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function message_notify_send_message in Message Notify 7.2

Process and send a message.


$message: The message entity being used for the notification.

$options: Array of options to override the plugin's default ones.

$notifier_name: Optional; The name of the notifier to use. Defaults to "email" sending method.

Return value

Boolean value denoting success or failure of the notification.

6 calls to message_notify_send_message()
MessageNotifyNotifierTest::testDeliver in ./message_notify.test
Test send method.
MessageNotifyNotifierTest::testPostSendMessageSave in ./message_notify.test
Test Message save on delivery.
MessageNotifyNotifierTest::testPostSendRenderedField in ./message_notify.test
Test populating the rednered output to fields.
message_notify_example_comment_insert in message_notify_example/message_notify_example.module
Implements hook_comment_insert().
message_notify_rules_process in ./
Action: Process and send Message.

... See full list


./message_notify.module, line 22
Message notify.


function message_notify_send_message(Message $message, array $options = array(), $notifier_name = 'email') {
  if (!($plugin = message_notify_get_notifier($notifier_name))) {
    throw new MessageNotifyException(format_string('Could not send notification using the "@notifier" notifier.', array(
      '@notifier' => $notifier_name,
  $plugin['options'] = drupal_array_merge_deep($plugin['options'], $options);
  $class = ctools_plugin_load_class('message_notify', 'notifier', $notifier_name, 'class');
  $notifier = new $class($plugin, $message);
  if ($notifier
    ->access()) {
    return $notifier