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public function MessageDigestTest::testNotifierDelivery in Message Digest 8

Tests the notifier sending and delivery.

@dataProvider providerTestNotifierDelivery


bool $reference_entity: Whether or not an entity should be referenced in the message digest that is being sent.

string $expected_subject: The expected subject for the email that is being sent.


tests/src/Kernel/MessageDigestTest.php, line 43


Kernel tests for Message Digest.




public function testNotifierDelivery($reference_entity, $expected_subject) {

  // Set the site name, so we can check that it is used in the subject of the
  // digest e-mail.
    ->set('name', 'Test site')
  $template = $this
    ->createMessageTemplate('foo', 'Foo', 'Foo, foo', [
    'Test message',
  $dummy = Message::create([
    'template' => $template

  /** @var \Drupal\message_digest\Plugin\Notifier\DigestInterface $digest_notifier */
  $digest_notifier = $this->notifierManager
    ->createInstance('message_digest:daily', [], $dummy);
  $configuration = [];

  // If we are referencing an entity, create a test user and reference it in
  // the message digest.
  if ($reference_entity) {
    $referenced_user = $this
      ->createUser([], 'Test user');
    $configuration = [
      'entity_type' => 'user',
      'entity_id' => $referenced_user

  // Create a recipient and send the message.
  $account = $this
    ->send($dummy, $configuration, $digest_notifier
  $result = $this->container
    ->select('message_digest', 'm')
    ->assertEquals(1, count($result));
  foreach ($result as $row) {
      ->id(), $row->receiver);
      ->getPluginId(), $row->notifier);

  // Now deliver the message.
    ->assertMail('subject', $expected_subject, 'Expected email subject is set.');
    ->assertMail('body', "Test message\n\n", 'Expected email body is set.');
    ->assertMail('id', 'message_digest_digest', 'Expected email key is set.');
    ->assertMail('to', $account
    ->getEmail(), 'Expected email recipient is set.');

  // Verify that the aggregate alter hook was called.
  // @see message_digest_test_message_digest_aggregate_alter()
    ->get('message_digest_test_message_digest_aggregate_alter', FALSE));

  // Verify that hook_message_digest_view_mode_alter() has been called.
  // @see message_digest_test_message_digest_view_mode_alter().
    ->get('message_digest_test_message_digest_view_mode_alter', FALSE));