public static function Message::create in Message 8
Return value
\Drupal\message\MessageInterface A message entity ready to be save.
Overrides EntityBase::create
12 calls to Message::create()
- DaysTest::testFetch in tests/
src/ Kernel/ Plugin/ MessagePurge/ DaysTest.php - Tests the fetch method.
- DaysTest::testProcess in tests/
src/ Kernel/ Plugin/ MessagePurge/ DaysTest.php - Tests the processing of messages to be purged.
- MessageCheckAndDeleteWorkerTest::testProcessItem in tests/
src/ Kernel/ Plugin/ QueueWorker/ MessageCheckAndDeleteWorkerTest.php - Tests that items are only deleted when appropriate.
- MessageCreateTest::testMessageCreateDefaultValues in tests/
src/ Functional/ MessageCreateTest.php - Tests if message create sets the default uid to currently logged in user.
- MessageEntityDelete::testReferencedEntitiesDelete in tests/
src/ Functional/ MessageEntityDelete.php - Test deletion of a message after its referenced entities have been deleted.
- src/
Entity/ Message.php, line 336
- Message
- Defines the Message entity class.
public static function create(array $values = []) {
return parent::create($values);