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public function MessageTemplateUiTest::testMessageTemplateTranslate in Message 8

Test the translation interface for message templates.


tests/src/Functional/MessageTemplateUiTest.php, line 56


Testing the CRUD functionality for the Message template entity.




public function testMessageTemplateTranslate() {

  // Test the creation of a message template.
  $edit = [
    'label' => 'Dummy message',
    'template' => 'dummy_message',
    'description' => 'This is a dummy text',
    // Use some HTML to ensure text formatting is working in ::getText().
    'text[0][value]' => '<p>This is a dummy message with some dummy text</p>',
    'text[0][format]' => 'filtered_html',
    ->drupalPostForm('admin/structure/message/template/add', $edit, t('Save message template'));
    ->assertText('The message template Dummy message created successfully.', 'The message template was created successfully');
  $elements = [
    '//input[@value="Dummy message"]' => 'The label input text exists on the page with the right text.',
    '//input[@value="This is a dummy text"]' => 'The description of the message exists on the page.',
    '//textarea[.="<p>This is a dummy message with some dummy text</p>"]' => 'The body of the message exists in the page.',

  // Test the editing of a message template.
  $edit = [
    'label' => 'Edited dummy message',
    'description' => 'This is a dummy text after editing',
    'text[0][value]' => '<p>This is a dummy message with some edited dummy text</p>',
    ->drupalPostForm('admin/structure/message/manage/dummy_message', $edit, t('Save message template'));
  $elements = [
    '//input[@value="Edited dummy message"]' => 'The label input text exists on the page with the right text.',
    '//input[@value="This is a dummy text after editing"]' => 'The description of the message exists on the page.',
    '//textarea[.="<p>This is a dummy message with some edited dummy text</p>"]' => 'The body of the message exists in the page.',

  // Add language.
    'id' => 'he',
    'name' => 'Hebrew',

  // Change to post form and add text different then the original.
  $edit = [
    'translation[config_names][message.template.dummy_message][label]' => 'Translated dummy message to Hebrew',
    'translation[config_names][message.template.dummy_message][description]' => 'This is a dummy text after translation to Hebrew',
    'translation[config_names][message.template.dummy_message][text][0][value]' => '<p>This is a dummy message with translated text to Hebrew</p>',
    ->drupalPostForm('admin/structure/message/manage/dummy_message/translate/he/add', $edit, t('Save translation'));

  // Go to the edit form and verify text.
  $elements = [
    '//input[@value="Translated dummy message to Hebrew"]' => 'The text in the form translation is the expected string in Hebrew.',
    '//textarea[.="This is a dummy text after translation to Hebrew"]' => 'The description element have the expected value in Hebrew.',
    '//textarea[.="<p>This is a dummy message with translated text to Hebrew</p>"]' => 'The text element have the expected value in Hebrew.',

  // Load the message template via code in hebrew and english and verify the
  // text. Also verify that when no translation, nothing gets returned.

  /* @var $template MessageTemplate */
  $template = MessageTemplate::load('dummy_message');
    '<p>This is a dummy message with translated text to Hebrew</p>',
  ], $template
    ->getText('he'), 'The text in hebrew pulled correctly.');
    '<p>This is a dummy message with some edited dummy text</p>',
  ], $template
    ->getText(), 'The text in english pulled correctly.');
    ->assertEquals([], $template
    ->getText('fi'), 'Nonexistent translation pulled empty.');

  // Create a message using that same template and test that multilingual text
  // still works.

  /* @var $template Message */
  $message = Message::create([
    'template' => 'dummy_message',

  /** @var \Drupal\message\MessageViewBuilder $builder */
  $builder = $this->entityTypeManager
    '<p>This is a dummy message with translated text to Hebrew</p>',
  ], $message
    ->getText('he'), 'The text in hebrew pulled correctly.');
    '<p>This is a dummy message with some edited dummy text</p>',
  ], $message
    ->getText(), 'The text in english pulled correctly.');
  $build = $builder
    '#markup' => '<p>This is a dummy message with some edited dummy text</p>',
  ], $build['partial_0'], 'The text in english built correctly.');

  // Test changing the language of the message template with setLanguage().
    '<p>This is a dummy message with translated text to Hebrew</p>',
  ], $message
    ->getText(), 'The text in hebrew pulled correctly.');
  $build = $builder
    '#markup' => '<p>This is a dummy message with translated text to Hebrew</p>',
  ], $build['partial_0'], 'The text in hebrew built correctly.');

  // Test again with nonexistent translation.
    ->assertEquals([], $message
    ->getText(), 'Nonexistent translation pulled empty.');
  $build = $builder
    ->assertArrayNotHasKey('partial_0', $build, 'Nonexistent translation built empty.');

  // Delete message via the UI.
    ->drupalPostForm('admin/structure/message/delete/dummy_message', [], 'Delete');
    ->assertText(t('There are no message templates yet.'));
    ->assertFalse(MessageTemplate::load('dummy_message'), 'The message deleted via the UI successfully.');