class MessageMetadataController in Message 7
Extend the defaults.
- class \EntityDefaultMetadataController
- class \MessageMetadataController
Expanded class hierarchy of MessageMetadataController
1 string reference to 'MessageMetadataController'
- message_entity_info in ./
message.module - Implements hook_entity_info().
- ./, line 11 - Provides Entity metadata integration.
View source
class MessageMetadataController extends EntityDefaultMetadataController {
public function entityPropertyInfo() {
$info = parent::entityPropertyInfo();
$properties =& $info[$this->type]['properties'];
$properties['type'] = array(
'setter callback' => 'entity_property_verbatim_set',
'required' => TRUE,
'description' => t('The message type.'),
'type' => 'message_type',
) + $properties['type'];
// Unset the uid property, as it is available via the user anyway.
$properties['user'] = array(
'label' => t("User"),
'type' => 'user',
'description' => t("The user for which to log the message."),
'getter callback' => 'entity_property_getter_method',
'setter callback' => 'entity_property_setter_method',
'schema field' => 'uid',
'required' => TRUE,
$properties['timestamp'] = array(
'type' => 'date',
'setter callback' => 'entity_property_verbatim_set',
'description' => t('The time the message has been logged.'),
) + $properties['timestamp'];
// Add a property providing the final text for use with entity tokens.
$properties['text'] = array(
'type' => 'text',
'label' => t('The message text'),
'getter callback' => 'message_property_get_text',
'description' => t('The message text with all replacement arguments applied.'),
// The tokens are already sanitized if needed.
'sanitize' => TRUE,
// Bypass entity_load() as we cannot use it here.
$message_types = db_select('message_type', 'mt')
// Add in the arguments specific to the bundles.
foreach ($message_types as $name => $type) {
$info['message']['bundles'][$name]['properties']['arguments'] = array(
'label' => t('Message arguments'),
'type' => 'struct',
'description' => t("The arguments to associate with the message."),
'getter callback' => 'entity_property_verbatim_get',
'setter callback' => 'entity_property_verbatim_set',
'property info' => array(),
$keys = array_filter(unserialize($type->argument_keys));
foreach ($keys as $key) {
// Add the argument keys so they can later be referenced by
// entity-metadata. For example if the message is "hello @foo", then
// that key will be available via message:arguments:foo.
$key_name = substr($key, 1);
$info['message']['bundles'][$name]['properties']['arguments']['property info'][$key_name] = array(
'type' => 'text',
'label' => t('Argument @key', array(
'@key' => $key,
'description' => t('The replacement value for @key', array(
'@key' => $key,
'getter callback' => 'message_property_get_argument',
'setter callback' => 'message_property_set_argument',
// Get the first character of the replacement key.
'sanitized' => $key[0] == '!',
'message_replace_char' => $key[0],
return $info;
Name![]() |
Modifiers | Type | Description | Overrides |
EntityDefaultMetadataController:: |
protected | property | ||
EntityDefaultMetadataController:: |
public static | function | A options list callback returning all bundles for an entity type. | |
EntityDefaultMetadataController:: |
protected | function | Return a set of properties for an entity based on the schema definition | |
EntityDefaultMetadataController:: |
public | function | ||
MessageMetadataController:: |
public | function |
Overrides EntityDefaultMetadataController:: |