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function merci_line_item_field_extra_fields in MERCI (Manage Equipment Reservations, Checkout and Inventory) 7.3

Implements hook_field_extra_fields().


merci_line_item/merci_line_item.module, line 251
Defines the core MERCI line item entity and API functions interact with line items.


function merci_line_item_field_extra_fields() {
  $extra = array();
  foreach (merci_line_item_types() as $type => $line_item_type) {
    $extra['merci_line_item'][$type] = array(
      'form' => array(
        'line_item_label' => array(
          'label' => t('Line item label'),
          'description' => t('Line item module label form element'),
          'weight' => -10,
        'quantity' => array(
          'label' => t('Quantity'),
          'description' => t('Line item module quantity form element'),
          'weight' => -5,
      'display' => array(
        'line_item_label' => array(
          'label' => t('Line item label'),
          'description' => t('Short descriptive label for the line item'),
          'weight' => -10,
        'quantity' => array(
          'label' => t('Quantity'),
          'description' => t('Quantity associated with this line item'),
          'weight' => -5,
  return $extra;