You are here in MERCI (Manage Equipment Reservations, Checkout and Inventory) 7.3


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 * UI controller providing UI for content entities.
 * For a controller providing UI for bundleable content entities, see
 * EntityBundleableUIController.
 * For a controller providing admin UI for configuration entities, see
 * EntityDefaultUIController.
class MerciLineItemTypeUIController extends EntityDefaultUIController {

   * Provides definitions for implementing hook_menu().
  public function hook_menu() {
    $items = parent::hook_menu();
    foreach (merci_line_item_types() as $type => $line_item_type) {

      // Convert underscores to hyphens for the menu item argument.
      //    $type_arg = strtr($type, '_', '-');

            $items['admin/merci/merci_line_item_types/' . $type] = array(
       'title' => $line_item_type->name,
       'page callback' => 'merci_line_item_type_redirect',
       'page arguments' => array($type),
       'access arguments' => array('administer merci line item types'),
    return $items;



Namesort descending Description
MerciLineItemTypeUIController UI controller providing UI for content entities.