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9 calls to merci_load_content_type_settings() in MERCI (Manage Equipment Reservations, Checkout and Inventory) 6

merci_add_reservation_items in ./merci.module
Adds items to reservation on creation/update.
merci_build_reservation_table_form in ./merci.module
Builds the table of existing reserved items.
merci_content_type_rules in ./merci.module
Loads MERCI rules for a content type.
merci_delete_node_type_validate in ./merci.module
Validates deletion of node types.
merci_form_alter in ./merci.module
Implementation of hook_form_alter().
merci_import_2 in import/merci_import.php
Add followup files.
merci_printable_contract in ./merci.module
merci_rro_node_type_menu_access in modules/merci_rro/merci_rro.module
merci_token_values in ./merci.module
Implementation of hook_token_values().