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function menu_per_role_nodeapi in Menu Per Role 6

Implementation of hook_nodeapi().

When inserting the menu in a node, the form is "not really there" at the time of the Save. To make it work properly, we need to add this entry. Note also that the submit function does not have access to the 'mlid' yet since it was not yet created.

IMPORTANT NOTE: We get executed right after the menu module, which is important since the menu module is the one that generates the 'mlid'. The module would otherwise need to be moved using a weight of 1 or more in the system table.


./menu_per_role.module, line 106
Allows restricting access to menu items per role


function menu_per_role_nodeapi(&$node, $op, $teaser = NULL, $page = NULL) {
  switch ($op) {
    case 'insert':
    case 'update':
      if (!empty($node->menu['mlid']) && user_access('administer menu_per_role')) {
        $form_state = array(
          'submitted' => 1,
          'values' => array(
            'menu' => $node->menu,
            'menu_per_role_roles' => $node->menu['menu_per_role']['menu_per_role_roles'],
            'menu_per_role_hide_from_roles' => $node->menu['menu_per_role']['menu_per_role_hide_from_roles'],
        module_load_include('', 'menu_per_role');
        _menu_per_role_form_submit(NULL, $form_state);