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function _menu_per_role_get_roles in Menu Per Role 7

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 6 menu_per_role.module \_menu_per_role_get_roles()

Gets all roles with access to the specified menu item.

No roles mean that access is granted by this module.


int $mlid: The menu link id.

int $show: Set to 0 for show to roles, 1 for hide from roles.

Return value

array An array of roles.

2 calls to _menu_per_role_get_roles()
menu_per_role_form_menu_edit_item_alter in ./menu_per_role.module
Implements hook_form_FORM_ID_alter().
_menu_per_role_access in ./menu_per_role.module
Determines access for a given menu item id.


./menu_per_role.module, line 278
Allows restricting access to menu items per role.


function _menu_per_role_get_roles($mlid, $show) {
  static $menu_per_role;
  if (!isset($menu_per_role)) {

    // Read all the data ONCE, it is likely very small.
    $menu_per_role = array();
    $result = db_select('menu_per_role', 'mpr')
    foreach ($result as $row) {
      if ($row->rids || $row->hrids) {
        if ($row->rids) {
          $menu_per_role[$row->mlid][0] = _menu_per_role_unserialize_rids($row->rids);
        else {
          $menu_per_role[$row->mlid][0] = array();
        if ($row->hrids) {
          $menu_per_role[$row->mlid][1] = _menu_per_role_unserialize_rids($row->hrids);
        else {
          $menu_per_role[$row->mlid][1] = array();
  if (isset($menu_per_role[$mlid])) {
    return $menu_per_role[$mlid][$show];

  // Not defined, everyone has the right to use it.
  return array();