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Classes, traits, and interfaces in Menu Node Views 7.2

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Namesort descending Type Namespace Location Description Direct uses Use statements Strings
menu_node_views_argument_nid class includes/ Argument handler to accept a node id that is menu-sensitive.
menu_node_views_field_description class includes/ @file Views field handler for the description of a menu item.
menu_node_views_field_link_title class includes/ Views handler for menu links.
menu_node_views_field_menu_name class includes/ @file Views field handler for the name of a menu.
menu_node_views_relationship_double class includes/ Relationship handler to create a double jointure, ie through 2 tables: from the base table to the final table through the relation table
menu_node_views_sort_menu class includes/ @file Views sort handler for the menu hierarchy.

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