function menu_import_save_menu in Menu Export/Import 7
Import menu items.
$menu: An associative array containing the menu structure.
$options: An associative array of import options.
- link_to_content: look for existing nodes and link to them
- create_content: create new content (also if link_to_content not set)
- remove_menu_items: removes current menu items
- node_type: node type
- node_body: node body
- node_author: node author
- node_status: node status
Return value
Array of different statistics accumulated during the import.
3 calls to menu_import_save_menu()
- menu_import_file in ./
menu_import.module - Import menu from text file.
- menu_import_form_step2_submit in includes/ - Step 2 form submit handler.
- menu_import_string in ./
menu_import.module - Import menu from text variable.
- includes/, line 418 - Import functions for menu_import module.
function menu_import_save_menu($menu, $options) {
$menu_items_deleted_cnt = $unknown_links_cnt = $external_links_cnt = 0;
$nodes_matched_cnt = $nodes_new_cnt = $failed_cnt = 0;
// Delete existing menu items.
$menu_name = $menu[0]['menu_name'];
if ($options['remove_menu_items']) {
$menu_items_deleted_cnt = count(menu_load_links($menu_name));
$menu[0]['mlid'] = 0;
foreach ($menu as $item) {
if (!isset($item['children'])) {
foreach ($item['children'] as $index) {
$menuitem = $menu[$index];
$menuitem['plid'] = $menu[$menuitem['parent']]['mlid'];
$menuitem['menu_name'] = $menu_name;
// Do not create nodes for external links.
if ($menuitem['external']) {
elseif ($menuitem['link_path'] && empty($menuitem['node_view'])) {
else {
// Node exists.
if ($menuitem['nid']) {
// Try to link to existing content first.
if ($options['link_to_content']) {
// Delete any existing menu items from the current menu.
if (!$menu_items_deleted_cnt) {
elseif ($options['create_content']) {
$options['node_title'] = $menuitem['link_title'];
$nid = menu_import_create_node($options);
$menuitem['nid'] = $nid;
$menuitem['link_path'] = 'node/' . $menuitem['nid'];
else {
// Create new link and node.
if ($options['create_content']) {
$options['node_title'] = $menuitem['link_title'];
if ($options['node_alias'] && !empty($menuitem['path']) && arg($menuitem['path'], 0) != 'node') {
$options['path_alias'] = $menuitem['path'];
$nid = menu_import_create_node($options);
$menuitem['nid'] = $nid;
$menuitem['link_path'] = 'node/' . $menuitem['nid'];
else {
$menuitem['link_path'] = '<front>';
// Ensure we link to at least front page.
if (empty($menuitem['link_path'])) {
$menuitem['link_path'] = '<front>';
// Save description if available.
if (isset($menuitem['description'])) {
$menuitem['options']['attributes']['title'] = $menuitem['description'];
// Allow other modules to alter the imported data.
drupal_alter('menu_import', $menuitem);
// Save menuitem and set mlid.
$mlid = menu_link_save($menuitem);
if (!$mlid) {
$menu[$index]['mlid'] = $mlid;
return array(
'external_links' => $external_links_cnt,
'unknown_links' => $unknown_links_cnt,
'matched_nodes' => $nodes_matched_cnt,
'new_nodes' => $nodes_new_cnt,
'deleted_menu_items' => $menu_items_deleted_cnt,
'failed' => $failed_cnt,