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function hook_menu_firstchild_item_alter in Menu Firstchild 2.x

Alter the menu item created by Firstchild.


array $menu_item: Item to be altered.

array|null $child: Child menu item, themain item was created from.

1 function implements hook_menu_firstchild_item_alter()

Note: this list is generated by pattern matching, so it may include some functions that are not actually implementations of this hook.

menu_firstchild_test_menu_firstchild_item_alter in tests/modules/menu_firstchild_test/menu_firstchild_test.module
Implements hook_menu_firstchild_item_alter().
1 invocation of hook_menu_firstchild_item_alter()
MenuItemParser::parse in src/MenuItemParser.php
Parses a menu item and modifies it if menu_firstchild is enabled.


./menu_firstchild.api.php, line 16
Hooks related to the Menu Firstchild module.


function hook_menu_firstchild_item_alter(array &$menu_item, $child) {