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Classes, traits, and interfaces in Menu Entity Index 8

Primary tabs

Namesort descending Type Namespace Location Description Direct uses Use statements Strings
ConfigurationForm class Drupal\menu_entity_index\Form src/Form/ConfigurationForm.php Provides a configuration form for administrative settings. 1
Menu class Drupal\menu_entity_index\Plugin\views\filter src/Plugin/views/filter/Menu.php Filter class which allows filtering by menu name.
Menu class Drupal\menu_entity_index\Plugin\views\argument_default src/Plugin/views/argument_default/Menu.php The menu argument default handler.
Menu class Drupal\menu_entity_index\Plugin\views\field src/Plugin/views/field/Menu.php Field plugin for menu name field.
MenuEntityIndex class Drupal\menu_entity_index\ViewsData src/ViewsData/MenuEntityIndex.php Provides Menu Entity Index views integration. 2
MenuLinkContent class Drupal\menu_entity_index\ViewsData src/ViewsData/MenuLinkContent.php Provides views integration for menu_link_content entities.
TargetType class Drupal\menu_entity_index\Plugin\views\field src/Plugin/views/field/TargetType.php Field plugin for target type field.
TargetType class Drupal\menu_entity_index\Plugin\views\filter src/Plugin/views/filter/TargetType.php Filter class which allows filtering by entity type id of target entity.
Tracker class Drupal\menu_entity_index src/Tracker.php Tracks menu links and their referenced entities. 2
TrackerInterface interface Drupal\menu_entity_index src/TrackerInterface.php Defines an interface for classes tracking entities referenced by menu links. 1 7

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