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Functions in Menu Block 6.2

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Namesort descending Location Description Direct uses Strings
book_menu_block_get_menus ./menu_block.module Implements hook_menu_block_get_menus() on behalf of book.module.
book_menu_block_get_sort_menus ./menu_block.module Implements hook_menu_block_get_sort_menus() on behalf of book.module.
hook_menu_block_get_menus ./menu_block.api.php Return a list of menus to use with the menu_block module.
hook_menu_block_get_sort_menus ./menu_block.api.php Return a list of menus to use on menu block's settings form.
hook_menu_block_tree_alter ./menu_block.api.php Alter the menu tree and its configuration before the tree is rendered.
menu_block_add_block_form ./ Menu callback: display the menu block addition form. 1
menu_block_add_block_form_submit ./ Save the new menu block.
menu_block_admin_settings_form ./ Menu block admin settings form. 1
menu_block_admin_settings_form_submit ./ Form submission handler.
menu_block_block ./menu_block.module Implements hook_block().
menu_block_configure_form ./ Returns the configuration form for a menu tree. 2
menu_block_configure_form_follow_validate ./ Validates the follow element of the block configuration form. 1
menu_block_configure_form_parent_validate ./ Validates the parent element of the block configuration form. 1
menu_block_ctools_plugin_directory ./menu_block.module Implements hook_ctools_plugin_directory().
menu_block_delete ./ Menu callback: confirm deletion of menu blocks. 1
menu_block_delete_submit ./ Deletion of menu blocks.
menu_block_enable ./menu_block.install Implements hook_enable().
menu_block_form_block_admin_display_form_alter ./menu_block.module Alters the block admin form to add delete links next to menu blocks.
menu_block_get_all_menus ./menu_block.module Returns a list of menu names implemented by all modules. 5
menu_block_get_config ./menu_block.module Returns the configuration for the requested block delta. 6
menu_block_get_title ./menu_block.module Retrieves the menu item to use for the tree's title. 1
menu_block_help ./menu_block.module Implements hook_help().
menu_block_install ./menu_block.install Implements hook_install().
menu_block_menu ./menu_block.module Implements hook_menu().
menu_block_menu_tree_content_type_admin_info plugins/content_types/menu_tree/ Callback to provide administrative info (the preview in panels when building a panel).
menu_block_menu_tree_content_type_admin_title plugins/content_types/menu_tree/ Return the tree's title with an admin-sensitive prefix.
menu_block_menu_tree_content_type_content_types plugins/content_types/menu_tree/ Supplies a list of menu tree content sub-types.
menu_block_menu_tree_content_type_edit_form plugins/content_types/menu_tree/ 'Edit form' callback for the content type.
menu_block_menu_tree_content_type_edit_form_submit plugins/content_types/menu_tree/ Submit callback for content type editing form.
menu_block_menu_tree_content_type_render plugins/content_types/menu_tree/ Renders a menu_tree content type based on the delta supplied in the configuration.
menu_block_set_title ./menu_block.module Sets the menu item to use for the tree's title. 4
menu_block_theme ./menu_block.module Implements hook_theme().
menu_block_tree_output ./menu_block.module Returns a rendered menu tree. 1
menu_block_uninstall ./menu_block.install Implements hook_uninstall().
menu_block_update_5100 ./menu_block.install Convert pre-1.0 configurations to the new block naming convention.
menu_block_update_5200 ./menu_block.install Converts enabled blocks list to ID list and deletes un-enabled blocks.
menu_block_update_6200 ./menu_block.install Converts the mids to menu names using the D5-stored menu_title variable.
menu_block_update_6201 ./menu_block.install Converts the menu names to parent items.
menu_tree_add_active_path ./menu_block.module Add the active trail indicators into the tree. 1
menu_tree_build ./menu_block.module Build a menu tree based on the provided configuration. 3
menu_tree_depth_trim ./menu_block.module Prune a tree so it does not extend beyond the specified depth limit. 1
menu_tree_prune_active_tree ./menu_block.module Prune a tree so that it begins at the active menu item. 1
menu_tree_prune_tree ./menu_block.module Prune a tree so that it begins at the specified level. 1
menu_tree_sort_active_path ./menu_block.module Sort the active trail to the top of the tree. 1
menu_tree_trim_active_path ./menu_block.module Trim everything but the active trail in the tree. 1
template_preprocess_menu_block_wrapper ./menu_block.module Process variables for menu-block-wrapper.tpl.php.
theme_menu_block_menu_order ./ Theme a drag-to-reorder table of menu selection checkboxes.
_menu_block_block_configure ./ Returns the 'configure' $op info for hook_block().
_menu_block_block_list ./ Returns the 'list' $op info for hook_block().
_menu_block_block_save ./ Returns the 'save' $op info for hook_block(). 1


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