function menu_attach_block_link in Menu Attach Block 7
Override theme_link().
Render a block inside a link.
@todo Implement a theme function to do the render.
array $variables: Array of theme variables as would be passed to theme_link().
Return value
string HTML for a link with an attached block.
1 string reference to 'menu_attach_block_link'
- ./
menu_attach_block.module, line 72 - Module to enable adding a block to menu item.
function menu_attach_block_link(&$variables) {
// Don't run all the block logic if we're told its not needed.
if (isset($variables['menu_attach_block_no_render']) && $variables['menu_attach_block_no_render']) {
return theme('menu_attach_block_link_default', $variables);
$block = FALSE;
$options = $variables['options'];
// If a block is attached to this menu item, load it.
if (isset($options['menu_attach_block']) && !empty($options['menu_attach_block']['name'])) {
$block = menu_attach_block_load_from_key($options['menu_attach_block']['name']);
// Set default options for menus saved from previous versions of the module.
// @see
$options['menu_attach_block'] += _menu_attach_block_defaults();
// Render a block if one is attached to this link.
if ($block) {
// Render the link with the block content afterwards.
$link = '';
// menu_attach_block gives users the option to select '<block>' as the menu
// path for a link.
if ($variables['path'] != '<block>' && $variables['path'] != '<droplink>') {
// Build the link manually instead of using l() to avoid getting caught in
// theme_link() again.
$variables['menu_attach_block_no_render'] = TRUE;
$link = theme('link', $variables);
else {
// Remove link.
$link = '';
if ($options['menu_attach_block']['use_ajax'] || !$options['menu_attach_block']['no_drop']) {
$menu_classes = array(
if ($options['menu_attach_block']['use_ajax']) {
$menu_classes[] = 'menu-ajax-enabled';
if ($variables['path'] == '<droplink>') {
// Use menu item as drop link, add other class passed in on $variables.
if (isset($variables['attributes']['class'])) {
$menu_classes = array_merge($menu_classes, $variables['attributes']['class']);
else {
// Add class 'external' to "More" link to apply styles.
$menu_classes[] = 'external';
if ($options['menu_attach_block']['on_hover']) {
$menu_classes[] = 'expand-on-hover';
else {
$menu_classes[] = 'expand-on-click';
// If 'expanded on load' set, add class 'dropped'.
if (isset($variables['options']['menu_attach_block']['dropped']) && $variables['options']['menu_attach_block']['dropped']) {
$menu_classes[] = 'dropped';
$attributes = array(
'class' => $menu_classes,
'data-block-id' => $options['menu_attach_block']['name'],
'id' => $variables['path'] . '-drop-link-' . $variables['options']['menu_attach_block']['mlid'],
// Pass a space as the fragment parameter to get a <a href='# '> link.
// @link @endlink
$l_options = array(
'fragment' => ' ',
'external' => TRUE,
'attributes' => $attributes,
'html' => $options['menu_attach_block']['allow_html'],
if ($variables['path'] == '<droplink>') {
// Use menu item as drop link.
$link .= l($variables['text'], '', $l_options);
else {
$link .= PHP_EOL . l(t('More'), '', $l_options);
drupal_add_js(drupal_get_path('module', 'menu_attach_block') . '/menu_attach_block.js');
$block_output = '';
// Get the block html if normal rendering is used (not ajax).
if (!$options['menu_attach_block']['use_ajax']) {
$block_output = menu_attach_block_block_render($block['module'], $block['delta']);
else {
$block_output = '<span class="ajax-progress"><span class="throbber"></span></span>';
if (!empty($block_output)) {
$variables = array(
'orientation' => $options['menu_attach_block']['orientation'],
'content' => $block_output,
'block' => $block,
'link' => $variables,
$block_output = theme('menu_attach_block_wrapper', $variables);
return $link . $block_output;
// Otherwise, pass through to the original theme function (likely theme_link).
return theme('menu_attach_block_link_default', $variables);