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class MemcacheServerStatsSubscriber in Memcache API and Integration 8.2

Adds memcache server specific details to the stats array.


Expanded class hierarchy of MemcacheServerStatsSubscriber

1 string reference to 'MemcacheServerStatsSubscriber' in memcache_admin/
1 service uses MemcacheServerStatsSubscriber
memcache_stats.memcached in memcache_admin/


memcache_admin/src/EventSubscriber/MemcacheServerStatsSubscriber.php, line 14


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class MemcacheServerStatsSubscriber implements EventSubscriberInterface {
  use StringTranslationTrait;
  use MessengerTrait;

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public static function getSubscribedEvents() {
    $events[MemcacheStatsEvent::BUILD_MEMCACHE_STATS][] = [
    $events[MemcacheStatsEvent::REPORT_MEMCACHE_STATS][] = [
    return $events;

   * Populates the Memcache Server Stats
   * @param \Drupal\memcache_admin\Event\MemcacheStatsEvent $event
   *   The event being dispatched.
   * @throws \Exception
  public function onPopulateStats(MemcacheStatsEvent $event) {
    $raw_stats = $event
    $bin = $event

    // No cache bin data, return.
    if (!isset($raw_stats[$bin])) {

    // No servers found, return.
    if (!is_array($raw_stats[$bin])) {
    $servers = array_keys($raw_stats[$bin]);
    $memcache_servers = [];
    foreach ($servers as $server) {

      // Memcache servers report libevent version, use that for detecting stats.
      if (isset($raw_stats[$bin][$server]['libevent'])) {
          ->updateFormattedStats('memcache', $bin, $server, new MemcacheStatsObject($raw_stats[$bin][$server]));
    if (isset($raw_stats[$bin]['total'])) {
        $bin => new MemcacheStatsObject($raw_stats[$bin]['total']),

   * Populates the reporting of a stored set of stats.
   * @param \Drupal\memcache_admin\Event\MemcacheStatsEvent $event
  public function onReportStats(MemcacheStatsEvent $event) {
    $stats = $event
    $bin = $event

    // No cache bin data, return.
    if (empty($stats[$bin])) {

      // Failed to load statistics. Provide a useful error about where to get
      // more information and help.
        ->t('There may be a problem with your Memcache configuration. Please review @readme for more information.', [
        '@readme' => 'README.txt',

    // No servers found, return.
    if (!is_array($stats[$bin])) {

     * @var string $server
     * @var MemcacheStatsObject $statistics
    foreach ($stats[$bin] as $server => $statistics) {
      if (empty($statistics
        ->getUptime())) {
          ->t('Failed to connect to server at :address.', [
          ':address' => $server,
      else {
        $data['server_overview'][$server] = $this
          ->t('v@version running @uptime', [
          '@version' => $statistics
          '@uptime' => $statistics
        $data['server_time'][$server] = $statistics
        $data['server_connections'][$server] = $statistics
        $data['cache_sets'][$server] = $statistics
        $data['cache_gets'][$server] = $statistics
        $data['cache_counters'][$server] = $statistics
        $data['cache_transfer'][$server] = $statistics
        $data['cache_average'][$server] = $statistics
        $data['memory_available'][$server] = $statistics
        $data['memory_evictions'][$server] = $statistics

    // Build a custom report array.
    $report = [
      'uptime' => [
        'uptime' => [
          'label' => $this
          'servers' => $data['server_overview'],
        'time' => [
          'label' => $this
          'servers' => $data['server_time'],
        'connections' => [
          'label' => $this
          'servers' => $data['server_connections'],
      'stats' => [
        'sets' => [
          'label' => $this
          'servers' => $data["cache_sets"],
        'gets' => [
          'label' => $this
          'servers' => $data["cache_gets"],
        'counters' => [
          'label' => $this
          'servers' => $data["cache_counters"],
        'transfer' => [
          'label' => $this
          'servers' => $data["cache_transfer"],
        'average' => [
          'label' => $this
            ->t('Per-connection average'),
          'servers' => $data["cache_average"],
      'memory' => [
        'memory' => [
          'label' => $this
            ->t('Available memory'),
          'servers' => $data['memory_available'],
        'evictions' => [
          'label' => $this
          'servers' => $data['memory_evictions'],

    // Don't display aggregate totals if there's only one server.
    if (count($stats[$bin]) > 1) {

      /** @var MemcacheStatsObject $totals */
      $totals = $event
      $report['uptime']['uptime']['total'] = $this
      $report['uptime']['time']['total'] = $this
      $report['uptime']['connections']['total'] = $totals[$bin]
      $report['stats']['sets']['total'] = $totals[$bin]
      $report['stats']['gets']['total'] = $totals[$bin]
      $report['stats']['counters']['total'] = $totals[$bin]
      $report['stats']['transfer']['total'] = $totals[$bin]
      $report['stats']['average']['total'] = $totals[$bin]
      $report['memory']['memory']['total'] = $totals[$bin]
      $report['memory']['evictions']['total'] = $totals[$bin]



Namesort descending Modifiers Type Description Overrides
MemcacheServerStatsSubscriber::getSubscribedEvents public static function Returns an array of event names this subscriber wants to listen to.
MemcacheServerStatsSubscriber::onPopulateStats public function Populates the Memcache Server Stats
MemcacheServerStatsSubscriber::onReportStats public function Populates the reporting of a stored set of stats.
MessengerTrait::$messenger protected property The messenger. 29
MessengerTrait::messenger public function Gets the messenger. 29
MessengerTrait::setMessenger public function Sets the messenger.
StringTranslationTrait::$stringTranslation protected property The string translation service. 1
StringTranslationTrait::formatPlural protected function Formats a string containing a count of items.
StringTranslationTrait::getNumberOfPlurals protected function Returns the number of plurals supported by a given language.
StringTranslationTrait::getStringTranslation protected function Gets the string translation service.
StringTranslationTrait::setStringTranslation public function Sets the string translation service to use. 2
StringTranslationTrait::t protected function Translates a string to the current language or to a given language.