12 calls to dmemcache_object() in Memcache API and Integration 6
- cache_clear_all in ./
memcache.inc - Expire data from the cache. If called without arguments, expirable entries will be cleared from the cache_page and cache_block tables.
- dmemcache_add in ./
dmemcache.inc - Add an item into memcache
- dmemcache_delete in ./
dmemcache.inc - Deletes an item from the cache.
- dmemcache_flush in ./
dmemcache.inc - Immediately invalidates all existing items. dmemcache_flush doesn't actually free any resources, it only marks all the items as expired, so occupied memory will be overwritten by new items.
- dmemcache_get in ./
dmemcache.inc - Retrieve a value from the cache.
- dmemcache_get_multi in ./
dmemcache.inc - Retrieve multiple values from the cache.
- dmemcache_set in ./
dmemcache.inc - Place an item into memcache
- dmemcache_stats in ./
dmemcache.inc - memcache-lock.inc in ./
memcache-lock.inc - memcache_admin_stats in memcache_admin/
memcache_admin.module - Memcahe Stats page
- memcache_admin_stats_types in memcache_admin/
memcache_admin.module - memcache_wildcards in ./
memcache.inc - Utilize multiget to retrieve all possible wildcard matches, storing statically so multiple cache requests for the same item on the same page load doesn't add overhead.