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9 calls to dmemcache_delete() in Memcache API and Integration 6

cache_clear_all in ./
Expire data from the cache. If called without arguments, expirable entries will be cleared from the cache_page table.
cache_clear_all in ./
Expire data from the cache. If called without arguments, expirable entries will be cleared from the cache_page and cache_block tables.
cache_get in ./
Return data from the persistent cache.
lock_release in ./
Release a lock previously acquired by lock_acquire().
lock_release_all in ./
Release all locks acquired by this request.
MemCacheClearCase::clearWildcardPrefixTest in tests/memcache.test
Test cache clears using wildcard prefixes.
sess_destroy_sid in ./
Called by PHP session handling with the PHP session ID to end a user's session.
sess_destroy_uid in ./
End a specific user's session.
sess_regenerate in ./