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function osmplayer_get_info in MediaFront 7.2

Returns the player information provided by other modules.

Return value


5 calls to osmplayer_get_info()
osmplayer_add_core_files in players/osmplayer/osmplayer.module
Adds the core osmplayer static files to the page.
osmplayer_library in players/osmplayer/osmplayer.module
Implements hook_library
osmplayer_player_settings_form in players/osmplayer/osmplayer.module
Implements hook_player_settings_form
osmplayer_theme in players/osmplayer/osmplayer.module
Implements hook_theme()
theme_osmplayer_plugin_table in players/osmplayer/osmplayer.module
Theme the plugin table.


players/osmplayer/osmplayer.module, line 849


function osmplayer_get_info() {

  // Static cache the player info.
  $player_info =& drupal_static(__FUNCTION__);
  if (!isset($player_info)) {

    // Get the information from cache...
    $cache = cache_get('osmplayer_info');
    if ($cache) {

      // Set the player_info to the cached data.
      $player_info = $cache->data;
    else {

      // Invoke all media_player_info and then set the cache.
      $player_info = module_invoke_all('osmplayer_info');
      cache_set('osmplayer_info', $player_info);
  return $player_info;