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function mediafront_get_node in MediaFront 7.2

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 6.2 mediafront.module \mediafront_get_node()
  2. 6 mediafront.module \mediafront_get_node()
  3. 7 mediafront.module \mediafront_get_node()

Provided a type, entity, and fields; this creaets a player node.


string $type The type of object we are dealing with.:

object $entity The entity to search.:

array $fields An array of fields to include in the player.:

2 calls to mediafront_get_node()
mediafront_get_playlist_from_view in ./mediafront.module
Returns a playlist provided a view.
theme_mediafront_player in ./mediafront.module
Implement the theme for the media player.


./mediafront.module, line 652


function mediafront_get_node($type, $entity, $fields) {

  // Create our node object.
  $node = array();

  // Only iterate over fields if they are an array.
  if (is_array($fields)) {

    // Iterate through all of our fields.
    $stream = '';
    foreach ($fields as $field) {

      // Get the options.
      $options = $field['options'];

      // Get the values for this field.
      $values = mediafront_get_field_value($type, $entity, $field);
      if (!empty($values)) {

        // If this is a media field.
        if ($field['type'] == 'media') {
          foreach ($values as $value) {
            $node['mediafiles']['media'][$options['media_type']][] = new MediaFile($value);
        else {
          if ($field['type'] == 'image') {

            // Iterate through the thumbnail and previews.
            foreach (array(
            ) as $image_type) {

              // If we just want the original image...
              if ($options[$image_type] == 'mediafront_original') {
                $file = new MediaFile($values[0]);
                $node['mediafiles']['image']['image'] = $file;
              else {
                if (!empty($options[$image_type])) {
                  $file = new MediaFile($values[0]);
                  if (empty($file->path)) {
                    $file->path = image_style_url($options[$image_type], $file->file->uri);
                  $node["mediafiles"]['image'][$image_type] = $file;
          else {
            if ($field['type'] == 'title') {
              $node['title'] = is_array($values[0]) ? $values[0]['safe_value'] : $values[0];
            else {
              if ($field['type'] == 'custom') {

                // Add this field to the node values.
                $node[$options['custom']] = is_array($values[0]) ? $values[0]['safe_value'] : $values[0];
              else {
                if ($field['type'] == 'stream') {
                  $stream = $values[0];
                else {

                  // All other fields are added directly to the node.
                  $node[$field['field']] = is_array($values[0]) ? $values[0]['safe_value'] : $values[0];

    // If a stream was provided, then set it to the media file.
    if ($stream && !empty($node['mediafiles']['media']['media'][0])) {
      $node['mediafiles']['media']['media'][0]->stream = $stream;

    // Always include the node title.
    if ($type == 'node' && !empty($entity->title)) {
      $node['title'] = $entity->title;

    // Add the node id if it is available.
    if ($type == 'node' && !empty($entity->nid)) {
      $node['nid'] = $entity->nid;

    // If we have media, but not preview, see if the media module can help us out...
    if (!empty($node['mediafiles']['media']) && empty($node['mediafiles']['image'])) {
      if ($image = mediafront_get_media_preview($node['mediafiles']['media']['media'][0])) {
        $node['mediafiles']['image']['image'] = $image;
  else {
    if (!empty($entity->fid)) {

      // If this a media entity, then we need to handle that as well.
      $node['mediafiles']['media']['media'] = new MediaFile($entity);
      $node['title'] = $entity->filename;

  // Allow other modules the opportunity to alter the node.
  drupal_alter('mediafront_node', $entity, $fields, $node, $type);

  // Return the node object.
  return $node;