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Functions in MediaFront 7

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Namesort descending Location Description Direct uses Strings
mediafront_add_media ./mediafront.module Function that will add media to the $additions array 2
mediafront_array_replace_recursive ./mediafront.module An implementation of "array_replace_recursive" that works for all PHP versions. 1
mediafront_array_to_object ./mediafront.module 1
mediafront_block_configure ./mediafront.module Implementation of hook_block_configure
mediafront_block_content ./mediafront.module Content for the media player block. 1
mediafront_block_info ./mediafront.module Implementation of hook_block_info
mediafront_block_save ./mediafront.module Implementation of hook_block_save
mediafront_block_show ./mediafront.module Determine if we should show the views block. 2
mediafront_block_view ./mediafront.module Implementation of hook_block_view
mediafront_create_preset_submit includes/ Submit handler for the preset form. 1
mediafront_create_preset_validate includes/ Validation for the preset form. 1
mediafront_features_api ./mediafront.module Implementation of hook_features_api()
mediafront_features_export includes/ Implementation of hook_features_export().
mediafront_features_export_options includes/ Implementation of hook_features_export_options().
mediafront_features_export_render includes/ Implementation of hook_features_export_render().
mediafront_features_revert includes/ Implementation of hook_features_revert().
mediafront_field_delete_instance includes/
mediafront_field_formatter_info includes/ Implements hook_field_formatter_info().
mediafront_field_formatter_view includes/ Implements hook_field_formatter_view().
mediafront_field_info includes/ Implements hook_field_info().
mediafront_field_is_empty includes/ Implements hook_field_is_empty
mediafront_field_prepare_view includes/ Implements hook_field_prepare_view()
mediafront_field_schema includes/ Implements hook_field_schema().
mediafront_field_widget_info includes/ Implements hook_field_widget_info().
mediafront_filefield_delete includes/ Deletes a mediafront filefield entry 1
mediafront_filefield_get includes/ Returns a mediafront filefield entry. 3
mediafront_filefield_save includes/ Adds or updates a mediafront filefield entry 1
mediafront_filefield_submit includes/ Called when the user submits the FileField form. 1
mediafront_form_field_ui_field_edit_form_alter includes/ Implementation of hook_form_FORM_ID_alter().
mediafront_get_directories ./mediafront.module Helper function to get the directories for media players. 3
mediafront_get_extension ./mediafront.module Gets the extension of a file provided the path of that file. 2
mediafront_get_media_file ./mediafront.module Given a Drupal file object, this function returns the media player file object. 1
mediafront_get_media_filepath ./mediafront.module Determine the file path for the media file. 1
mediafront_get_media_preview ./mediafront.module Returns the image path for a media object. 2
mediafront_get_node ./mediafront.module Gets a node in the player format. 3 1
mediafront_get_node_json ./mediafront.module Gets a node in JSON format 1
mediafront_get_player ./mediafront.module Returns a media player. 6
mediafront_get_players ./mediafront.module Returns a list of all available players. 1
mediafront_get_player_params ./mediafront.module Returns the player's default parameters. 1
mediafront_get_player_settings ./mediafront.module Returns the player's default settings. 1
mediafront_get_playlist ./mediafront.module Gets a playlist 1 1
mediafront_get_playlist_from_view ./mediafront.module Returns a playlist provided a view. 2
mediafront_get_playlist_json ./mediafront.module Gets a playlist in JSON format. 1
mediafront_get_preset includes/ Get's the preset. 3
mediafront_get_presets_path includes/ Convenience function to get the path of the module presets. 8
mediafront_get_settings ./mediafront.module Returns ALL the player settings for the given player provided settings to override. 5
mediafront_invoke_node ./mediafront.module Invoke a hook_playlist_node() operation in all modules. 3
mediafront_is_image ./mediafront.module Checks to see if a file is an image file. 2
mediafront_is_media ./mediafront.module Checks to see if a file is a media file. 2
mediafront_menu ./mediafront.module Implements hook_menu().


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