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README.txt in MediaFront 7.2

Same filename in this branch
  1. 7.2 README.txt
  2. 7.2 players/osmplayer/player/minplayer/flash/README.txt
Same filename and directory in other branches
  1. 6.2 README.txt
  2. 6 README.txt
  3. 7 README.txt
MediaFront Module Readme


 * Notes
 * MediaFront Resources
 * Introduction to MediaFront
 * Upgrading from 1.x to 2.x
 * Installation
 * Preparing Drupal for MediaFront
 * Creating and configuring MediaFront presets
 * Creating and configuring playlists using Views
 * Creating custom templates for MediaFront
 * Using links as media content
 * File formats


 * This guide is for the 7.x-2.x branch of the MediaFront module.


 * Project Page:
 * Issue Queue:
 * Home Page:
 * Documentation: and


The MediaFront module is a front end media solution for Drupal. It employs an
innovative and intuitive administration interface that allows the website
administrator to completely customize the front end media experience for their
users without writing any code. In addition to this amazing module is the
built-in Open Standard Media (OSM) Player.

The Open Standard Media (OSM) Player is an industry changing, open source
(GPLv3) media player that is written in jQuery to dynamically deliver any type
of web media, including HTML5, YouTube, Vimeo, and Flash.

Use this module if you would like...
 * an open source ( GPL ) and free front end media solution. With a built in
   jQuery media player!
 * HTML5 content delivery with dynamic Flash fallback for non-standard media.
 * a dynamic and integrated YouTube and Vimeo player which the same
   presentation to users.
 * easily themeable media player using jQuery-UI ThemeRoller.
 * an advanced, easy to use administrator interface for configuring your media
 * a simple to install and configure front end media solution. Simply install
   the module and you are ready to go!


There is currently no upgrade path from 1.x to 2.x. Documentation on how to
upgrade is forthcoming.

Version 2.x of the MediaFront module is a major refractor and simplification on
how the MediaFront module selects the correct media to play. This will not only
provide a major performance boost, but also give you much finer granularity
into what media the media player plays.


-  To install and configure MediaFront you will need to install the required

   Modules needed:
   * MediaFront

   Modules needed for Views playlist configuration:
   * Views
   * CTools

- Download the latest MediaFront release.

  The most recent version of the MediaFront module can be downloaded and
  extracted from:

- Place the entire MediaFront folder into your sites/all/modules directory or
  use the Drupal interface to install this module (yoursite/admin/modules).

- Go to Admin > Site Building > Modules and enable the MediaFront module. Also
  enable the Open Standards Media Player listed under MediaFront: Players.


To start, you will need to create a new content type for media.

 1. Go to Structure > Administration > Content types.
 2. Click Add content type.
 3. Choose a name for your new content type. You can name it "Media" or
    anything else.

    Optional: select any additional settings for this content type.

 4. After choosing a name, hit Save and add fields.
 5. In the Manage Fields section, add the following fields:

    label: Media Upload
    name: media_upload
    field: file
    widget: file

    Hit Save.

    label: Image Upload
    name: image_upload
    field: image
    widget: image


    (Instead of Media Upload and Image Upload, you can name the fields any name
    you want. You can only use a-z, 0-9, and _ for the field names.)

 6. Edit the media field settings. Click Edit to the right of Media Upload.

    Set the MediaFront Settings field type to Media. Leave Media Type as Media

    In allowed file extensions, add the following:
    mp4 m4v mov flv f4v ogg ogv wmv vp6 vp5 mpg avi mpeg mp3 webm

    The Media Upload Field Settings remain the same.

    Hit Save.

 7. Edit the Image field settings. (Click Edit to the right of Image Upload.)

    Set the MediaFront Settings field type to Image. Select a preview style and
    thumbnail style.

    MediaFront Settings:
    Field Type: Image
    Preview Style: for now, we can set this to large.
    Thumbnail Style: for now, we can set this to thumbnail.

    Allowed file extensions: png, gif, jpg, jpeg
    (These are the automatic settings used with an Image Field.)

    Save settings.

 8. Manage Display settings for your media content type.

    Set up the fields in this order and with these settings:

    Field, Label, Format:
    Body, Hidden, Default
    Media Upload, Hidden, Generic File
    Image Upload, Hidden, Hidden


 9. Add a node using you media content type.

    Add a title. Upload a media file that adheres to the field type and size
    limit requirements shown. You may also add an image. Save.


A. Display the media player in a node

   1. Go to Structure > MediaFront Presets > Add Preset.
   2. Select a name for your preset. Let's name it nodeplayer. (When selecting
      a name, follow the character requirements on the page.)
   3. Add a description if you want. For Media Player, select Open Standard
      Media Player. Hit Next.
   4. You will see a preview of how MediaFront will display your media content.
   5. Go to Preset Settings > Player Settings > Playlist Settings> Display
      Settings. Select Disable Playlist. Save preset.
   6. Go to Structure > Content types > Media > Manage Display. Change the
      format for Media Upload to MediaFront Player. Select the rotary wheel to
      edit the MediaFront Presets settings. Select nodeplayer. Hit Update.

      Media Upload
      Format: MediaFront Player
      Player Settings: preset. Change to nodeplayer. Update.

    - A note on fields:
      For each content type that will use MediaFront, you must be explicit with
      every field you want to display in MediaFront. The title is automatically
      brought in. If you click on edit on any other field, there is a section
      called MediaFront settings which will determine how a file or field is
      used and displayed in MediaFront.

   7. Visit a node of content type Media to see the media file and image
      displayed using the MediaFront module.

B. Set up a preset for a Views playlist

   1. Go to Structure > MediaFront Presets > Add Preset.
   2. Select a name for your preset. Let's name it player.
   3. Add a description if you want. For Media Player, select Open Standard
      Media Player. Hit Next.
   4. You will see a preview of how MediaFront will display your media content.
   5. Go to Preset Settings > Player Settings > Playlist Settings> Display
      Settings. Make sure Show Playlist is selected and that Disable Playlist
      in not selected. Save preset.
   6. We now have a preset that is ready to be used within a View.


How playlists are configured depends upon your implementation needs and can be
adjusted as your needs change. Below are a few examples of how Views can be
configured with MediaFront.

If you have not done so already, install Views and CTools and enable these two

A. View with one large media player and built-in playlist

 1. Go to Administration > Structure > Views. Add a new view.
    - We will name this view media (though it can be named anything.)
    - Select Show content of type media.
    - Make sure Create a page is selected.
    - Select Continue and edit.

 2. Configure View settings:
    a. Format: Media Player. In Media Player settings:
       - Select For this page.
       - Set MediaFront Presets to player.

    b. Edit the Fields settings:

       * Content: Title
         Exclude from display.

          MediaFront Settings:
           Field Type: Title

       * Content: Image Upload
          Formatter: Image
          Image Style: Thumbnail
          Link image to: nothing

          MediaFront Settings:
           Field Type: Image
           Preview Style: thumbnail
           Playlist Style: thumbnail

       * Content: Media Upload
          Formatter: Generic file

          MediaFront Settings:
           Field Type: Media
           Media Type: Media Content

  3. Save your view. Visit the view at yoursite/media.

B. View with one large media player and a grid of files below

  1. In your View, hit Add page under the Displays section.
  2. For Display name, we will name it Media Grid.
  3. Under Format, set Format to Grid and apply to this page.
     Hit Apply (this display).
  4. Under Header, select Global: MediaFront Player for This page.
     Hit Apply (this display). In Configure Header, set MediaFront Presets to
     player. Under MediaFront Settings, field type should be set to none. Apply
     this display.
  5. Under Page Settings, set Path to media-grid. Hit Apply.
  6. Visit yoursite/media-grid. You should see a large media player with a grid
     of files below the player.
  7. Optional: If you want the files below the player to control the player,
     see Section D of Creating and Configuring Playlists Using Views.

C. View with a grid of miniature media players

  1. Set up the preset.
     a. Go to Structure > MediaFront Presets > Add Preset.
     b. Select a name for your preset. Let's name it gridplayer.
     c. Add a description if you want. For Media Player, select Open Standard
        Media Player. Hit Next.
     d. You will see a preview of how MediaFront will display your media
     e. Go to Preset Settings > Player Settings > Playlist Settings> Display
        Settings. Select Disable playlist. Save preset.
     f. Under Presentation Settings, set Player Width to 200px and Player
        Height to 150px.
     g. Save preset.

  2. Set up a View page to display mini media players.
     a. Go to Structure > Views and edit the view named media.
     b. In your view, hit Add page under the Displays section. For Display
        name, we will name it Media Grid.
     c. Under Format, set Format to Grid and apply to this page.
        Hit Apply (this display).
     d. Under Page Settings, set Path to gridplayer. Hit Apply.
     e. Under Pager, set items per page to 16 for this page.
        Hit Apply (this display).
     f. Under Fields: Content Type: Media Upload, set Formatter to MediaFront
        Player and MediaFront Presets to gridplayer. Apply (this display).
     g. In Fields: Content Type: Image Upload, make sure Exclude from display
        is selected. Apply (this display).
     h. Hit Save.
     i. Visit yoursite/gridplayer. You should see a page of miniature media

D. Dynamically linking fields to the player
   Videos can be loaded dynamically into the player by linking a field to the
   player. Within your view administration, edit the field you would like to
   dynamically link to the Media Player. Within the MediaFront Settings of this
   field, click the box next to "Link to Player". Save the field and view.


One of the major features that MediaFront offers is it provides site builders
the ability to completely build their own media players by using basic HTML5,
CSS, and JavaScript. It employs a very flexible system where every template
has complete control over the media player to modify not only how it looks,
but also how it behaves. For information on creating custom templates, see:


It is possible to configure MediaFront so that a video is pulled from
externally hosted servers or from your own files. The below configuration
explains how to set up a node type using a text field to bring in media
content. The player can also pull in streamed video content (YouTube, Vimeo,
etc) but this feature is currently being developed.

 1. Create a new content type. Go to Structure > Administration > Content
 2. Click Add content type.
 3. Choose a name for your new content type. You can name it "Media link" or
    anything else.
  - Optional: select any additional settings you want for this content type.
 4. After choosing a name, hit Save and add fields.
 5. In the Manage Fields section, add the following fields:

    label: Media URL
    name: media_url
    field: text
    widget: Text field

    Hit Save.

 6. In the Media link Manage Fields section, edit the Media URL settings.

    Set the MediaFront Settings field type to Media. Leave Media Type as Media

 7. Change the Manage Display settings for Media link.

    Set up the fields in this order and with these settings:

    Field, Label, Format
    Body, Hidden, Default
    Media URL, Hidden, MediaFront Player

    In the Media URL player settings, set the MediaFront preset to your desired
	preset. Hit Update. Hit save.

 8. Add a node using this new content type.

    Go to Content > Add Content > Media link.

    Add a title. In the Media URL field, paste the url of a video. This link
    can be a streamed video or a video file hosted on a server. Hit Save.


Supported audio and video file formats in MediaFront 7.x-2.x:
mp4, m4v, mov, flv, f4v, ogg, ogv, wmv, vp6, vp5, mpg, avi, mpeg, mp3, webm

Please see for recommendations for file 
encoding and formatting.


View source
  1. MediaFront Module Readme
  3. ------------
  4. * Notes
  5. * MediaFront Resources
  6. * Introduction to MediaFront
  7. * Upgrading from 1.x to 2.x
  8. * Installation
  9. * Preparing Drupal for MediaFront
  10. * Creating and configuring MediaFront presets
  11. * Creating and configuring playlists using Views
  12. * Creating custom templates for MediaFront
  13. * Using links as media content
  14. * File formats
  15. NOTES
  16. -----
  17. * This guide is for the 7.x-2.x branch of the MediaFront module.
  19. --------------------
  20. * Project Page:
  22. * Issue Queue:
  24. * Home Page:
  26. * Documentation:
  27. and
  30. --------------------------
  31. The MediaFront module is a front end media solution for Drupal. It employs an
  32. innovative and intuitive administration interface that allows the website
  33. administrator to completely customize the front end media experience for their
  34. users without writing any code. In addition to this amazing module is the
  35. built-in Open Standard Media (OSM) Player.
  36. The Open Standard Media (OSM) Player is an industry changing, open source
  37. (GPLv3) media player that is written in jQuery to dynamically deliver any type
  38. of web media, including HTML5, YouTube, Vimeo, and Flash.
  39. Use this module if you would like...
  40. * an open source ( GPL ) and free front end media solution. With a built in
  41. jQuery media player!
  42. * HTML5 content delivery with dynamic Flash fallback for non-standard media.
  43. * a dynamic and integrated YouTube and Vimeo player which the same
  44. presentation to users.
  45. * easily themeable media player using jQuery-UI ThemeRoller.
  46. * an advanced, easy to use administrator interface for configuring your media
  47. player.
  48. * a simple to install and configure front end media solution. Simply install
  49. the module and you are ready to go!
  50. UPGRADING FROM 1.x to 2.x
  51. -------------------------
  52. There is currently no upgrade path from 1.x to 2.x. Documentation on how to
  53. upgrade is forthcoming.
  54. Version 2.x of the MediaFront module is a major refractor and simplification on
  55. how the MediaFront module selects the correct media to play. This will not only
  56. provide a major performance boost, but also give you much finer granularity
  57. into what media the media player plays.
  59. ------------
  60. - To install and configure MediaFront you will need to install the required
  61. modules.
  62. Modules needed:
  63. * MediaFront
  64. Modules needed for Views playlist configuration:
  65. * Views
  66. * CTools
  67. - Download the latest MediaFront release.
  68. The most recent version of the MediaFront module can be downloaded and
  69. extracted from:
  70. - Place the entire MediaFront folder into your sites/all/modules directory or
  71. use the Drupal interface to install this module (yoursite/admin/modules).
  72. - Go to Admin > Site Building > Modules and enable the MediaFront module. Also
  73. enable the Open Standards Media Player listed under MediaFront: Players.
  75. -------------------------------
  76. To start, you will need to create a new content type for media.
  77. 1. Go to Structure > Administration > Content types.
  78. 2. Click Add content type.
  79. 3. Choose a name for your new content type. You can name it "Media" or
  80. anything else.
  81. Optional: select any additional settings for this content type.
  82. 4. After choosing a name, hit Save and add fields.
  83. 5. In the Manage Fields section, add the following fields:
  84. label: Media Upload
  85. name: media_upload
  86. field: file
  87. widget: file
  88. Hit Save.
  89. label: Image Upload
  90. name: image_upload
  91. field: image
  92. widget: image
  93. Save.
  94. (Instead of Media Upload and Image Upload, you can name the fields any name
  95. you want. You can only use a-z, 0-9, and _ for the field names.)
  96. 6. Edit the media field settings. Click Edit to the right of Media Upload.
  97. Set the MediaFront Settings field type to Media. Leave Media Type as Media
  98. Content.
  99. In allowed file extensions, add the following:
  100. mp4 m4v mov flv f4v ogg ogv wmv vp6 vp5 mpg avi mpeg mp3 webm
  101. The Media Upload Field Settings remain the same.
  102. Hit Save.
  103. 7. Edit the Image field settings. (Click Edit to the right of Image Upload.)
  104. Set the MediaFront Settings field type to Image. Select a preview style and
  105. thumbnail style.
  106. MediaFront Settings:
  107. Field Type: Image
  108. Preview Style: for now, we can set this to large.
  109. Thumbnail Style: for now, we can set this to thumbnail.
  110. Allowed file extensions: png, gif, jpg, jpeg
  111. (These are the automatic settings used with an Image Field.)
  112. Save settings.
  113. 8. Manage Display settings for your media content type.
  114. Set up the fields in this order and with these settings:
  115. Field, Label, Format:
  116. Body, Hidden, Default
  117. Media Upload, Hidden, Generic File
  118. Image Upload, Hidden, Hidden
  119. Save.
  120. 9. Add a node using you media content type.
  121. Add a title. Upload a media file that adheres to the field type and size
  122. limit requirements shown. You may also add an image. Save.
  124. -------------------------------------------
  125. A. Display the media player in a node
  126. 1. Go to Structure > MediaFront Presets > Add Preset.
  127. 2. Select a name for your preset. Let's name it nodeplayer. (When selecting
  128. a name, follow the character requirements on the page.)
  129. 3. Add a description if you want. For Media Player, select Open Standard
  130. Media Player. Hit Next.
  131. 4. You will see a preview of how MediaFront will display your media content.
  132. 5. Go to Preset Settings > Player Settings > Playlist Settings> Display
  133. Settings. Select Disable Playlist. Save preset.
  134. 6. Go to Structure > Content types > Media > Manage Display. Change the
  135. format for Media Upload to MediaFront Player. Select the rotary wheel to
  136. edit the MediaFront Presets settings. Select nodeplayer. Hit Update.
  137. Save.
  138. Media Upload
  139. Format: MediaFront Player
  140. Player Settings: preset. Change to nodeplayer. Update.
  141. - A note on fields:
  142. For each content type that will use MediaFront, you must be explicit with
  143. every field you want to display in MediaFront. The title is automatically
  144. brought in. If you click on edit on any other field, there is a section
  145. called MediaFront settings which will determine how a file or field is
  146. used and displayed in MediaFront.
  147. 7. Visit a node of content type Media to see the media file and image
  148. displayed using the MediaFront module.
  149. B. Set up a preset for a Views playlist
  150. 1. Go to Structure > MediaFront Presets > Add Preset.
  151. 2. Select a name for your preset. Let's name it player.
  152. 3. Add a description if you want. For Media Player, select Open Standard
  153. Media Player. Hit Next.
  154. 4. You will see a preview of how MediaFront will display your media content.
  155. 5. Go to Preset Settings > Player Settings > Playlist Settings> Display
  156. Settings. Make sure Show Playlist is selected and that Disable Playlist
  157. in not selected. Save preset.
  158. 6. We now have a preset that is ready to be used within a View.
  160. ----------------------------------------------
  161. How playlists are configured depends upon your implementation needs and can be
  162. adjusted as your needs change. Below are a few examples of how Views can be
  163. configured with MediaFront.
  164. If you have not done so already, install Views and CTools and enable these two
  165. modules.
  166. A. View with one large media player and built-in playlist
  167. 1. Go to Administration > Structure > Views. Add a new view.
  168. - We will name this view media (though it can be named anything.)
  169. - Select Show content of type media.
  170. - Make sure Create a page is selected.
  171. - Select Continue and edit.
  172. 2. Configure View settings:
  173. a. Format: Media Player. In Media Player settings:
  174. - Select For this page.
  175. - Set MediaFront Presets to player.
  176. b. Edit the Fields settings:
  177. * Content: Title
  178. Exclude from display.
  179. MediaFront Settings:
  180. Field Type: Title
  181. * Content: Image Upload
  182. Formatter: Image
  183. Image Style: Thumbnail
  184. Link image to: nothing
  185. MediaFront Settings:
  186. Field Type: Image
  187. Preview Style: thumbnail
  188. Playlist Style: thumbnail
  189. * Content: Media Upload
  190. Formatter: Generic file
  191. MediaFront Settings:
  192. Field Type: Media
  193. Media Type: Media Content
  194. 3. Save your view. Visit the view at yoursite/media.
  195. B. View with one large media player and a grid of files below
  196. 1. In your View, hit Add page under the Displays section.
  197. 2. For Display name, we will name it Media Grid.
  198. 3. Under Format, set Format to Grid and apply to this page.
  199. Hit Apply (this display).
  200. 4. Under Header, select Global: MediaFront Player for This page.
  201. Hit Apply (this display). In Configure Header, set MediaFront Presets to
  202. player. Under MediaFront Settings, field type should be set to none. Apply
  203. this display.
  204. 5. Under Page Settings, set Path to media-grid. Hit Apply.
  205. 6. Visit yoursite/media-grid. You should see a large media player with a grid
  206. of files below the player.
  207. 7. Optional: If you want the files below the player to control the player,
  208. see Section D of Creating and Configuring Playlists Using Views.
  209. C. View with a grid of miniature media players
  210. 1. Set up the preset.
  211. a. Go to Structure > MediaFront Presets > Add Preset.
  212. b. Select a name for your preset. Let's name it gridplayer.
  213. c. Add a description if you want. For Media Player, select Open Standard
  214. Media Player. Hit Next.
  215. d. You will see a preview of how MediaFront will display your media
  216. content.
  217. e. Go to Preset Settings > Player Settings > Playlist Settings> Display
  218. Settings. Select Disable playlist. Save preset.
  219. f. Under Presentation Settings, set Player Width to 200px and Player
  220. Height to 150px.
  221. g. Save preset.
  222. 2. Set up a View page to display mini media players.
  223. a. Go to Structure > Views and edit the view named media.
  224. b. In your view, hit Add page under the Displays section. For Display
  225. name, we will name it Media Grid.
  226. c. Under Format, set Format to Grid and apply to this page.
  227. Hit Apply (this display).
  228. d. Under Page Settings, set Path to gridplayer. Hit Apply.
  229. e. Under Pager, set items per page to 16 for this page.
  230. Hit Apply (this display).
  231. f. Under Fields: Content Type: Media Upload, set Formatter to MediaFront
  232. Player and MediaFront Presets to gridplayer. Apply (this display).
  233. g. In Fields: Content Type: Image Upload, make sure Exclude from display
  234. is selected. Apply (this display).
  235. h. Hit Save.
  236. i. Visit yoursite/gridplayer. You should see a page of miniature media
  237. players.
  238. D. Dynamically linking fields to the player
  239. Videos can be loaded dynamically into the player by linking a field to the
  240. player. Within your view administration, edit the field you would like to
  241. dynamically link to the Media Player. Within the MediaFront Settings of this
  242. field, click the box next to "Link to Player". Save the field and view.
  244. ----------------------------------------
  245. One of the major features that MediaFront offers is it provides site builders
  246. the ability to completely build their own media players by using basic HTML5,
  247. CSS, and JavaScript. It employs a very flexible system where every template
  248. has complete control over the media player to modify not only how it looks,
  249. but also how it behaves. For information on creating custom templates, see:
  252. ----------------------------
  253. It is possible to configure MediaFront so that a video is pulled from
  254. externally hosted servers or from your own files. The below configuration
  255. explains how to set up a node type using a text field to bring in media
  256. content. The player can also pull in streamed video content (YouTube, Vimeo,
  257. etc) but this feature is currently being developed.
  258. 1. Create a new content type. Go to Structure > Administration > Content
  259. types.
  260. 2. Click Add content type.
  261. 3. Choose a name for your new content type. You can name it "Media link" or
  262. anything else.
  263. - Optional: select any additional settings you want for this content type.
  264. 4. After choosing a name, hit Save and add fields.
  265. 5. In the Manage Fields section, add the following fields:
  266. label: Media URL
  267. name: media_url
  268. field: text
  269. widget: Text field
  270. Hit Save.
  271. 6. In the Media link Manage Fields section, edit the Media URL settings.
  272. Set the MediaFront Settings field type to Media. Leave Media Type as Media
  273. Content.
  274. 7. Change the Manage Display settings for Media link.
  275. Set up the fields in this order and with these settings:
  276. Field, Label, Format
  277. Body, Hidden, Default
  278. Media URL, Hidden, MediaFront Player
  279. In the Media URL player settings, set the MediaFront preset to your desired
  280. preset. Hit Update. Hit save.
  281. 8. Add a node using this new content type.
  282. Go to Content > Add Content > Media link.
  283. Add a title. In the Media URL field, paste the url of a video. This link
  284. can be a streamed video or a video file hosted on a server. Hit Save.
  286. ------------
  287. Supported audio and video file formats in MediaFront 7.x-2.x:
  288. mp4, m4v, mov, flv, f4v, ogg, ogv, wmv, vp6, vp5, mpg, avi, mpeg, mp3, webm
  289. Please see for recommendations for file
  290. encoding and formatting.