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function media_flickr_xspf_item in Media: Flickr 6

Create a playlist item for an xml file.


array $item: Keys are:

  • 'key': the tag name.
  • 'value': the tag value.
  • 'attributes': an array of attributues, e.g., array('rel' => 'rel')) to be applied to the tag. Will be run through drupal_attributes().

Return value

An XML string.

1 call to media_flickr_xspf_item()
media_flickr_xspf_page in contrib/media_flickr_xspf/media_flickr_xspf.module
Page callback for /media/flickr/[photoset]/xspf.


contrib/media_flickr_xspf/media_flickr_xspf.module, line 124
Create Flickr playlists for the Media: Flickr module, for use with the JW Image Rotator file.


function media_flickr_xspf_item($item) {
  $output = array();
  $output[] = '<track>';
  $output[] = format_xml_elements($item) . '</track>';
  return implode("\n", $output);