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README.txt in Media Entity Browser 8.2

# Media Entity Browser (Media Library)

Provides an additional Entity Browser that leverages the
work done in the new Core Media Library. It is recommended to update existing
Entity Browsers to use the Media Entity Browser Media Library view.

As Media Library is still experimental this is an optional setting for users.

The UX for this view matches the Media Library UX as closely as possible
and is designed to fill the gap in WYSIWYG support until core catches up. Follow for core progress.

Once core provides support for WYSIWYG embedding this module will be deprecated.

## Requirements

- Inline Entity Form
- Entity Browser
- Entity Embed
- Media
- Media Library

## Installation

- Download Inline Entity Form from
- Download Entity Embed from
- Download Entity Browser from
- Download Media Entity Browser from
- Enable core Media
- Enable core Media Library (optional)
- Enable Media Entity Browser Media Library

## Usage

This module is largely a set of configuration files to provide a basic WYSIWYG
Entity Browser for Media. As such the documentation for Entity Browser and Media
in general will explain how to customise the installed Media Entity Browsers.

Once installed, changes to the configuration are managed outside of this module.

### Configuration

On installation the Browser isn't visible. You need to add it to an Entity
Embed button for use though the WYSIWYG.

- For WYSIWYG Entity Embedding use the iFrame Browser

Media Entity Reference Fields should use core Media Library directly. From the
Manage Form Display tab of your fielded entity select the "Media Library"
widget instead of the "Entity Browser" widget. The Media Library widget provides
a much nicer UX for fields.


View source
  1. # Media Entity Browser (Media Library)
  2. ===
  3. Provides an additional Entity Browser that leverages the
  4. work done in the new Core Media Library. It is recommended to update existing
  5. Entity Browsers to use the Media Entity Browser Media Library view.
  6. As Media Library is still experimental this is an optional setting for users.
  7. The UX for this view matches the Media Library UX as closely as possible
  8. and is designed to fill the gap in WYSIWYG support until core catches up. Follow
  9. for core progress.
  10. Once core provides support for WYSIWYG embedding this module will be deprecated.
  11. ## Requirements
  12. - Inline Entity Form
  13. - Entity Browser
  14. - Entity Embed
  15. - Media
  16. - Media Library
  17. ## Installation
  18. - Download Inline Entity Form from
  19. - Download Entity Embed from
  20. - Download Entity Browser from
  21. - Download Media Entity Browser from
  22. - Enable core Media
  23. - Enable core Media Library (optional)
  24. - Enable Media Entity Browser Media Library
  25. ## Usage
  26. This module is largely a set of configuration files to provide a basic WYSIWYG
  27. Entity Browser for Media. As such the documentation for Entity Browser and Media
  28. in general will explain how to customise the installed Media Entity Browsers.
  30. Once installed, changes to the configuration are managed outside of this module.
  31. ### Configuration
  32. On installation the Browser isn't visible. You need to add it to an Entity
  33. Embed button for use though the WYSIWYG.
  34. - For WYSIWYG Entity Embedding use the iFrame Browser
  35. (/admin/config/content/entity_browser/media_entity_browser).
  36. Media Entity Reference Fields should use core Media Library directly. From the
  37. Manage Form Display tab of your fielded entity select the "Media Library"
  38. widget instead of the "Entity Browser" widget. The Media Library widget provides
  39. a much nicer UX for fields.