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function _media_entity_snapshot_config in Media entity 8.2

Collects snapshots of config objects.


string[] $names: The names of the config objects to snapshot.

bool $delete: (optional) Whether to delete the original config objects. Defaults to FALSE.

Return value

array The config data, keyed by object name.

1 call to _media_entity_snapshot_config()
media_entity_update_8201 in ./media_entity.install
Replace Media Entity with Media.


./media_entity.install, line 577
Install, uninstall and update hooks for Media entity module.


function _media_entity_snapshot_config(array $names, $delete = FALSE) {
  $snapshots = [];
  foreach ($names as $name) {
    $config = \Drupal::configFactory()
    if (!$config
      ->isNew()) {
      $snapshots[$name] = $config
      if ($delete) {
  return $snapshots;