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function template_preprocess_media_browser_plus_views_view_media_browser in Media Browser Plus 7.3

Display the view as a media browser.

See also



views/, line 139
Provide Views data and handlers for media.module.


function template_preprocess_media_browser_plus_views_view_media_browser(&$vars) {
  module_load_include('inc', 'media', 'includes/media.browser');
  $view = $vars['view'];
  $display_handler = $vars['view']->display_handler;

  // If this is a media browser display add some more JS.
  // Re-uses vast parts of template_preprocess_media_views_view_media_browser().
  if ($display_handler instanceof media_views_plugin_display_media_browser) {
    $fids = array();
    foreach ($view->result as $index => $result) {
      $fids[$index] = $result->fid;
    $files = file_load_multiple($fids);
    foreach ($files as $file) {

      // Add url/preview to the file object.

    // Add the files to JS so that they are accessible inside the browser.
      'media' => array(
        'files' => array_values($files),
    ), 'setting');

    // Add the browser parameters to the settings and that this display exists.
      'media' => array(
        'browser' => array(
          'params' => media_get_browser_params(),
          'views' => array(
            $vars['view']->name => array(
    ), 'setting');

    // Add media browser javascript and CSS.
    drupal_add_js(drupal_get_path('module', 'media') . '/js/plugins/media.views.js');

  // Add classes and wrappers from the style plugin.
  $handler = $vars['view']->style_plugin;
  $class = explode(' ', $handler->options['class']);
  $class = array_map('drupal_clean_css_identifier', $class);
  $wrapper_class = explode(' ', $handler->options['wrapper_class']);
  $wrapper_class = array_map('drupal_clean_css_identifier', $wrapper_class);
  $vars['class'] = implode(' ', $class);
  $vars['wrapper_class'] = implode(' ', $wrapper_class);
  $vars['wrapper_prefix'] = '<div class="' . implode(' ', $wrapper_class) . '">';
  $vars['wrapper_suffix'] = '</div>';
  $vars['list_type_prefix'] = '<' . $handler->options['type'] . ' id="media-browser-library-list" class="' . implode(' ', $class) . '">';
  $vars['list_type_suffix'] = '</' . $handler->options['type'] . '>';

  // Run theming variables through a standard Views preprocess function.

  // Now add our own stuff - based on the set options.
  // Add the js / css library.
  drupal_add_library('media_browser_plus', 'media_browser_plus');

  // Add more information for the JS integration.
  $vars['options']['view_id'] = $view->name;
  $vars['options']['view_display_id'] = $view->current_display;

  // Add settings for the js library.
    'mbp' => array(
      'views' => array(
        $view->name . ':' . $view->current_display => $vars['options'],
  ), 'setting');

  // Special handling of the navigation. We abuse a area handler to add and
  // configure the navigation - that way it's very flexible.
  // Check if a navigation handler is configured.
  $vars['folders'] = NULL;
  foreach (array(
  ) as $area) {
    foreach ($display_handler->handlers[$area] as $handler) {
      if ($handler instanceof media_browser_plus_views_handler_area_navigation) {
        $vars['folders'] = $handler
        break 2;