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abstract class AcquiaDAM_Assets_AbstractAsset in Media: Acquia DAM 7

Abstract class base for Acquia DAM assets.

@package AcquiaDAM


Expanded class hierarchy of AcquiaDAM_Assets_AbstractAsset


src/AcquiaDAM/, line 8

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abstract class AcquiaDAM_Assets_AbstractAsset implements ArrayAccess, JsonSerializable {

   * A list of class dependencies.
   * @var array
  protected $depends = [];

   * Asset information as returned by the API.
   * @var array
  protected $asset = [];

   * The asset ID.
   * @var int
  protected $assetId = NULL;

   * Get the base used for API calls.
   * @return string
   *   The base to use when building API urls.
  protected abstract function getEndpointBase();

   * Get the asset type identifier.
   * @return string
   *   The asset type machine name.
  public abstract function getType();

   * Create an Asset.
   * Can load an asset direct from the API when given an ID, or pre-populate the
   * asset if given an array of asset informatino to use.
   * @param int|array $assetId
   *   The asset ID or an array of asset information.
   * @param array $depends
   *   An array of class dependencies.
  public function __construct($assetId = NULL, array $depends = []) {
    $this->depends = $depends;
    if (is_numeric($assetId)) {
    elseif (is_array($assetId) && !empty($assetId['id'])) {
      $this->asset = $assetId;
        ->setId($assetId['id'], FALSE);
    elseif (!empty($assetId)) {
      throw new InvalidArgumentException('Constructor was given bad assetId data.');

   * Client request wrapper.
   * A wrapper is necessary because a call to getClient() results in an API
   * request immediately. We want the API to be somewhat useable when loading
   * stored data without having to make API requests.
   * @param string $endpoint
   *   The API endpoint to request.
   * @param string|array $data
   *   The data to send with the request.
   * @param array $headers
   *   Any additional headers to include.
   * @param string $method
   *   The request type.
   * @return array
   *   The result of the API request.
  protected function request($endpoint, $data = NULL, array $headers = [], $method = 'GET') {
    return $this
      ->request($endpoint, $data, $headers, $method);

   * Gets the client object for use.
   * @return AcquiaDAM_Client
   *   The AcquiaDAM_Client client being used.
  protected function getClient() {
    if (empty($this->depends['client'])) {
      $this->depends['client'] = AcquiaDAM_API::getClient();
    return $this->depends['client'];

   * Make sure the given ID is valid to be used as an asset ID.
   * @param int $id
   *   The ID to check.
   * @return int|false
   *   Returns the asset ID or FALSE on failure.
  protected function ensureIsValidAssetId($id) {
    $id = filter_var($id, FILTER_VALIDATE_INT, [
      'options' => [
        'default' => 0,
        'min_range' => 1,
    return $id;

   * Ensure we have an asset ID set.
   * Used when we want to ensure we're working with an ID and were not given an
   * array of data instead.
   * @throws BadMethodCallException
  protected function requireId() {
    if (is_null($this->assetId)) {
      throw new BadMethodCallException('No asset ID has been set.');

   * Set the asset ID for the current asset.
   * @param int $assetId
   *   The asset ID to set.
   * @param bool $fetchAsset
   *   TRUE to fetch the asset after setting.
   * @throws BadMethodCallException
   * @throws BadMethodCallException
  public function setId($assetId, $fetchAsset = TRUE) {
    if (!empty($this->assetId)) {
      throw new BadMethodCallException('Unable to set asset ID once already set.');
    $this->assetId = $this
    if (FALSE === $this->assetId) {
      throw new InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('Invalid asset ID given: %d', $assetId));
    if ($fetchAsset) {

   * Fetch the asset from the API.
   * @param bool $refresh
   *   TRUE to force a remote refresh if the asset has already been loaded.
   * @return array|false
   *   The request response or FALSE on failure.
  public function get($refresh = FALSE) {
    if ($refresh || empty($this->asset)) {
      $result = $this
        ->request(sprintf('%s/%d', $this
        ->getEndpointBase(), $this->assetId));
      if (!empty($result) && is_array($result)) {
        $this->asset = $result;
    return isset($result) ? $result : $this->asset;

   * Get multiple assets at once.
   * @param array $assetIds
   *   An array of assets ID to fetch.
   * @return array|false
   *   The request response or FALSE on failure.
  public function getMultiple(array $assetIds) {
    $assetIds = array_filter($assetIds, function ($assetId) {
      return $this
        ->ensureIsValidAssetId($assetId) !== FALSE;
    $assetIds = array_filter($assetIds);
    $data = [
      'ids' => implode(',', $assetIds),
    return $this
      ->request(sprintf('%s/list', $this
      ->getEndpointBase()), $data);

   * Gets the path to this asset within the DAM web interface.
   * @return string
   *   The URL to the asset within the DAM web interface.
  public function getDAMPath() {
    return sprintf('cloud/#folder/%d#%d', $this->asset['folder']['id'], $this->asset['id']);

   * Gets the URL to the asset within the DAM provider.
   * @return string
   *   The URL to the asset in the DAM provider.
  public function getDAMUrl() {
    $sub_info = $this
    return vsprintf('https://%s/%s', [

   * Get the URL to the DAM-provided thumbnail if possible.
   * @param int $thumbnailSize
   *   Find the closest thumbnail size without going over when multiple
   *   thumbnails are available.
   * @return string|false
   *   The preview URL or FALSE if none available.
  public function getThumbnailUrl($thumbnailSize = 1280) {
    if (!empty($this->asset['thumbnailurls'][0]['url'])) {

      // Copy thumbnail array to variable to avoid a notice about indirect
      // access.
      $thumbnails = $this->asset['thumbnailurls'];

      // Default to first regardless of size.
      $biggest_matching = $thumbnails[0]['url'];
      foreach ($thumbnails as $tn) {
        if (!empty($tn['url']) && $thumbnailSize >= $tn['size']) {

          // Certain types do not have a 1280 size available despite returning
          // an URL. We either have to hard code mime types as they crop up, or
          // check if the URL is accessible on our own. Other URL sizes do not
          // appear to have this issue.
          if (1280 == $tn['size']) {
            $result = drupal_http_request($tn['url'], [
              'method' => 'HEAD',
            if (403 == $result->code) {
          $biggest_matching = $tn['url'];
      return $biggest_matching;
    return FALSE;

   * Get the URL to the DAM-provided preview if possible.
   * @param int $thumbnailSize
   *   Find the closest thumbnail size without going over when multiple
   *   thumbnails are available.
   * @return string|false
   *   The preview URL or FALSE if none available.
  public function getPreviewUrl($thumbnailSize = 1280) {

    // Audio files.
    if (!empty($this->asset['audiourl']['url'])) {
      return $this->asset['audiourl']['url'];
    elseif (!empty($this->asset['videourls'][0]['url'])) {
      return $this->asset['videourls'][0]['url'];
    elseif (!empty($this->asset['filetype']) && 'pdf' == $this->asset['filetype'] && !empty($this->asset['thumbnailurls'])) {

      // The embed code returned by the API uses the 550 thumbnail URL as the
      // base for a CDN link to the document. We can construct that URL by
      // combining a few elements.
      foreach ($this->asset['thumbnailurls'] as $tn) {
        if (!empty($tn['size']) && 550 == $tn['size'] && !empty($tn['url'])) {
          $url = drupal_parse_url($tn['url']);
          $url = sprintf('%s.%s', $url['path'], $this->asset['filetype']);
          $url = url($url, [
            'query' => [
              'v' => $this->asset['version'],
          return $url;
    else {
      return $this
    return FALSE;

   * Get a list of possible pregenerated thumbnail sizes.
   * This does not mean that the asset necessarily has these sizes available,
   * only that these are the supported sizes.
   * @return array
   *   An array of sizes.
  public static function getThumbnailSizes() {
    return [
      100 => 100,
      150 => 150,
      220 => 220,
      310 => 310,
      550 => 550,
      1280 => 1280,

   * Checks if the current asset is expired.
   * @return bool
   *   TRUE if the asset is expired, FALSE otherwise.
  public function isExpired() {
    return !empty($this->asset['expiration']['dateUnix']) ? $this->asset['expiration']['dateUnix'] <= REQUEST_TIME : FALSE;

   * Implementation for ArrayAccess.
   * Not implemented.
   * {@inheritDoc}
   * @throws BadMethodCallException
  public function offsetSet($offset, $value) {
    throw new BadMethodCallException(sprintf('%s not implemented.', __METHOD__));

   * Implementation for ArrayAccess.
   * Not implemented.
   * {@inheritDoc}
   * @throws BadMethodCallException
  public function offsetUnset($offset) {
    throw new BadMethodCallException(sprintf('%s not implemented.', __METHOD__));

   * Implementation for ArrayAccess.
   * Not implemented.
   * {@inheritDoc}
   * @return bool
   *   TRUE if the offset exists.
  public function offsetExists($offset) {

    // Fetch the asset if it isn't already loaded.
    if (empty($this->asset)) {
    return isset($this->asset[$offset]);

   * Implementation for ArrayAccess.
   * Not implemented.
   * {@inheritDoc}
   * @return mixed
   *   The value of the key or NULL.
  public function offsetGet($offset) {

    // Fetch the asset if it isn't already loaded.
    if (empty($this->asset)) {
    return isset($this->asset[$offset]) ? $this->asset[$offset] : NULL;

   * Return a string representation of this asset.
   * @return string
   *   The JSON encoded asset array.
  public function __toString() {
    return drupal_json_encode($this

   * Get an array representation of this asset.
   * @return array
   *   The asset as an array.
  public function toArray() {
    return $this

   * Implementation for JsonSerializable.
   * {@inheritDoc}
  public function jsonSerialize() {
    return $this



Namesort descending Modifiers Type Description Overrides
AcquiaDAM_Assets_AbstractAsset::$asset protected property Asset information as returned by the API.
AcquiaDAM_Assets_AbstractAsset::$assetId protected property The asset ID.
AcquiaDAM_Assets_AbstractAsset::$depends protected property A list of class dependencies.
AcquiaDAM_Assets_AbstractAsset::ensureIsValidAssetId protected function Make sure the given ID is valid to be used as an asset ID.
AcquiaDAM_Assets_AbstractAsset::get public function Fetch the asset from the API.
AcquiaDAM_Assets_AbstractAsset::getClient protected function Gets the client object for use.
AcquiaDAM_Assets_AbstractAsset::getDAMPath public function Gets the path to this asset within the DAM web interface. 1
AcquiaDAM_Assets_AbstractAsset::getDAMUrl public function Gets the URL to the asset within the DAM provider.
AcquiaDAM_Assets_AbstractAsset::getEndpointBase abstract protected function Get the base used for API calls. 2
AcquiaDAM_Assets_AbstractAsset::getMultiple public function Get multiple assets at once.
AcquiaDAM_Assets_AbstractAsset::getPreviewUrl public function Get the URL to the DAM-provided preview if possible.
AcquiaDAM_Assets_AbstractAsset::getThumbnailSizes public static function Get a list of possible pregenerated thumbnail sizes.
AcquiaDAM_Assets_AbstractAsset::getThumbnailUrl public function Get the URL to the DAM-provided thumbnail if possible.
AcquiaDAM_Assets_AbstractAsset::getType abstract public function Get the asset type identifier. 2
AcquiaDAM_Assets_AbstractAsset::isExpired public function Checks if the current asset is expired.
AcquiaDAM_Assets_AbstractAsset::jsonSerialize public function Implementation for JsonSerializable.
AcquiaDAM_Assets_AbstractAsset::offsetExists public function Implementation for ArrayAccess.
AcquiaDAM_Assets_AbstractAsset::offsetGet public function Implementation for ArrayAccess.
AcquiaDAM_Assets_AbstractAsset::offsetSet public function Implementation for ArrayAccess.
AcquiaDAM_Assets_AbstractAsset::offsetUnset public function Implementation for ArrayAccess.
AcquiaDAM_Assets_AbstractAsset::request protected function Client request wrapper.
AcquiaDAM_Assets_AbstractAsset::requireId protected function Ensure we have an asset ID set.
AcquiaDAM_Assets_AbstractAsset::setId public function Set the asset ID for the current asset.
AcquiaDAM_Assets_AbstractAsset::toArray public function Get an array representation of this asset.
AcquiaDAM_Assets_AbstractAsset::__construct public function Create an Asset.
AcquiaDAM_Assets_AbstractAsset::__toString public function Return a string representation of this asset.