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function media_acquiadam_form_media_type_edit_form_alter in Media: Acquia DAM 8

Implements hook_form_FORM_ID_alter().


./media_acquiadam.module, line 244
Integrates Drupal with Acquia DAM.


function media_acquiadam_form_media_type_edit_form_alter(&$form, FormStateInterface &$form_state) {
  $form['#attached']['library'][] = 'media_acquiadam/asset_form';

  // Add a field mapping to the entity publishing status if one doesn't exist.
  $mappings =& $form['source_dependent']['field_map'];
  if (!empty($mappings)) {
    foreach (Element::children($mappings) as $key) {

      // Sort fields with assigned mappings to the top to make it easier to
      // identify what is and is not mapped at a glance.
      // We need to set different weights based on if we're dealing with an
      // XMP field or not.
      $mappings[$key]['#weight'] = strpos($key, 'xmp_') === FALSE ? 0 : 100;
      if (!empty($mappings[$key]['#default_value']) && $mappings[$key]['#default_value'] !== '_none') {
        $mappings[$key]['#weight'] -= 10;
      $options =& $mappings[$key]['#options'];
      if (!isset($options['status'])) {
        $options['status'] = t('Publishing status');

  // Insert headline before first XMP field in the fieldset.
  $mapping_keys = array_keys($mappings);
  $xmp_keys = preg_grep('/xmp_.+/i', $mapping_keys);
  $offset = key($xmp_keys);
  if ($offset) {
    $xmp_header = [
      'xmp_header' => [
        '#type' => 'html_tag',
        '#tag' => 'h4',
        '#value' => t('Field Mapping: XMP Metadata'),
        '#attributes' => [
          'class' => 'fieldset-subhead',
    array_splice($mappings, $offset, 0, $xmp_header);