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ResourceStream.test in D7 Media 6

This provides SimpleTests for the core stream wrapper functionality.


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 *  @file
 *  This provides SimpleTests for the core stream wrapper functionality.

 * Base class for file tests that adds some additional file specific
 * assertions and helper functions.
class ResourceStreamTestCase extends DrupalWebTestCase {
  public $scheme = 'public://localhost/';
  public $pathkey = 'stream_public_path';
  public $pathdefault = '/sites/default/files';
  public $filename = '';
  public $dirname = '';
  public $path = '';
  public $handle = '';
  public $streampath = '';
  public $url = '';
  function getInfo() {
    return array(
      'name' => t('ResourceStream Filesystem functions'),
      'description' => t('Tests basic php stream functions.'),
      'group' => t('Resource'),
  function setUp() {

    // create a known file and directory for testing.
    $this->realpath = realpath(variable_get($this->pathkey, $this->pathdefault));
    $this->dirname = 'ResourceStreamTestCaseDir' . uniqid();
    $this->filename = 'ResourceStreamTestCaseFile' . uniqid() . '.txt';
    $this->path = '/' . $this->dirname . '/' . $this->filename;
    $this->url = $this->scheme . $this->path;
    resource_debug("realpath: {$this->realpath}");
    $data = '1234567890abcdef';
    mkdir($this->realpath . '/' . $this->dirname);
    file_put_contents($this->realpath . $this->path, $data, LOCK_EX);
      ->assertTrue(file_exists($this->realpath . $this->path), 'Source file created.');
  function tearDown() {
    unlink($this->realpath . $this->path);
    rmdir($this->realpath . '/' . $this->dirname);

   * fopen calls the stream_open method of a streamwrapper.
  function testFopen() {
    $this->handle = fopen($this->url, 'r+');
      ->assertTrue($this->handle, 'fopen: ' . $this->url);

  // fread                    - stream_read
  function testFread() {
    $data = fread($this->handle, 4);
      ->assertTrue($data == '1234', 'fread 4 bytes, start pos 0');
    $pos = ftell($this->handle);
      ->assertTrue($pos == 4, "ftell at pos 4({$pos})");
    $data = fread($this->handle, 4);
      ->assertTrue($data == '5678', 'fread 4 bytes, start pos 4');

    // There is apparently a bug with either ftell or fseek working here.
    // ftell should return the currently position. Seek is obviously
    // moving the file pointer or the reads wouldn't match. Either fseek
    // isn't updating the pos read by ftell, or ftell is actually returning
    // bytes read.
      ->assertTrue(fseek($this->handle, 8), 'fseek to pos 0');
    $pos = ftell($this->handle);
      ->assertTrue($pos == 8, "ftell at pos 8({$pos})");
    $data = fread($this->handle, 4);
      ->assertTrue($data == '90ab', "fread 4 bytes, start pos 4({$data})");
      ->assertFalse(feof($this->handle), 'feof at pos 4');
    $data = fgets($this->handle);
      ->assertTrue($data == 'cdef', 'fgets pos 12 - 15');
      ->assertTrue(feof($this->handle), 'feof at end of file');
      ->assertTrue(fseek($this->handle, 4), 'fseek to pos 4');
      ->assertTrue(fclose($this->handle), "Close file.");

  // fwrite                   - stream_write
  function testFwrite() {
    $this->handle = fopen($this->scheme . $this->path, 'a+');
      ->assertTrue($this->handle, "Open {$this->scheme}{$this->path} in mode a+");
    $data = '1234';
      ->assertTrue(fwrite($this->handle, $data), "fwrite ({$data}) to handle");
      ->assertTrue(fseek($this->handle, -4, SEEK_END), "Seek to pos before fwrite.");
    $read = fread($this->handle, 4);
      ->assertTrue($data == $read, "fread ({$read}) == fwritten ({$data}) bytes");
      ->assertTrue(fclose($this->handle), "Close file.");
  function testFilePutGetContents() {
    $data = 'fedcba0987654321';
      ->assertTrue(file_put_contents($this->scheme . $this->path, $data), "file_put_contents({$data})");
    $read = file_get_contents($this->scheme . $this->path);
      ->assertTrue($data == $read, "file_get_contents ({$read}) == file_put_contents ({$data}) bytes");
  function testCopyRenameUnlink() {
    copy($this->scheme . $this->path, $this->scheme . $this->path . '.2');
      ->assertTrue(file_exists($this->scheme . $this->path . '.2'), "Copy successful");
    unlink($this->scheme . $this->path);
      ->assertFalse(file_exists($this->scheme . $this->path), "Unlink successful");
    rename($this->scheme . $this->path . '.2', $this->scheme . $this->path);
      ->assertTrue(file_exists($this->scheme . $this->path), "Rename successful");

class ResourceStreamPrivateTestCase extends ResourceStreamTestCase {
  public $scheme = 'private://localhost/';
  function getInfo() {
    return array(
      'name' => t('ResourceStreamPrivate Filesystem functions'),
      'description' => t('Tests basic php stream functions for private://.'),
      'group' => t('Resource'),

class ResourceStreamCrossingTestCase extends DrupalWebTestCase {
  public $schemeA = 'public://localhost/';
  public $schemeB = 'private://localhost/';
  public $urlA;
  public $urlB;
  public $data;
  function getInfo() {
    return array(
      'name' => t('Cross Scheme public:// and private://'),
      'description' => t('Tests basic php stream functions fori moving files between public:// and private://.'),
      'group' => t('Resource'),
  function setUp() {
    $this->urlA = $this->schemeA . __CLASS__ . 'A' . uniqid();
    $this->urlB = $this->schemeB . __CLASS__ . 'B' . uniqid();
    $this->data = '1234567890';
  function testCopyAtoB() {
      ->assertTrue(file_put_contents($this->urlA, $this->data), "file_put_contents({$this->urlA}, {$this->data})");
      ->assertTrue(copy($this->urlA, $this->urlB), "copy({$this->urlA}, {$this->urlB})");
      ->assertTrue($this->data == file_get_contents($this->urlB), "Verify content of {$this->urlA} matches {$this->urlB}({$this->data})");
  function testCopyBtoA() {
      ->asserttrue(file_put_contents($this->urlB, $this->data), "file_put_contents({$this->urlB}, {$this->data})");
      ->asserttrue(copy($this->urlB, $this->urlA), "copy({$this->urlB}, {$this->urlA})");
      ->asserttrue($this->data == file_get_contents($this->urlA), "verify content of {$this->urlA}({$this->data}) matches {$this->urlB}");



Namesort descending Description
ResourceStreamTestCase Base class for file tests that adds some additional file specific assertions and helper functions.