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function Resource::delete in D7 Media 6

Delete a file and its database record.


$force: Boolean indicating that the file should be deleted even if hook_file_references() reports that the file is in use.

Return value

mixed TRUE for success, array for reference count, or FALSE in the event of an error.

See also



resource/resource.module, line 220
Resource API for Drupal, a replacement for files.


Base Resource class.


function delete($force = FALSE) {

  // If any module returns a value from the reference hook, the
  // file will not be deleted from Drupal, but file_delete will
  // return a populated array that tests as TRUE.
  if (!$force && ($references = module_invoke_all('resource', $this))) {
    return $references;

  // Let other modules clean up on delete.
  module_invoke_all('resource_delete', $this);

  // Make sure the file is deleted before removing its row from the
  // database, so UIs can still find the file in the database.
  if (unlink($this->url)) {
    db_query('DELETE FROM {resource} WHERE rid = %d', $this->rid);

    // remove internally used static cache entries.
      ->reset_cache('rid::' . $this->rid);
      ->reset_cache('url::' . $this->url);
    return TRUE;
  return FALSE;