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function media_url_filter in D7 Media 7

Filter callback for media url filter. @TODO: There are currently problems with this. For instance, if a file is to be loaded from a remote location here, it will be recreated multiple times, each time this filter is called. If we want to continue supporting this feature, we would need to probably create a new stream or other way to lookup a remote file w/ its local version. Probably best as a contributed module because of this difficulty. ~ aaron.


includes/, line 225
Functions related to the WYSIWYG editor and the media input filter.


function media_url_filter($text, $filter) {
  $text = ' ' . $text . ' ';

  // Need to attach the variables to the callback after the regex.
  $callback = _media_url_curry('_media_url_parse_full_links', 1);

  // Match absolute URLs.
  $text = preg_replace_callback("`(<p>|<li>|<br\\s*/?>|[ \n\r\t\\(])((http://|https://)([a-zA-Z0-9@:%_+*~#?&=.,/;-]*[a-zA-Z0-9@:%_+*~#&=/;-]))([.,?!]*?)(?=(</p>|</li>|<br\\s*/?>|[ \n\r\t\\)]))`i", $callback, $text);
  return $text;