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function media_get_file_without_label in D7 Media 7

Returns a drupal_render() array for just the file portion of a file entity.

Optional custom settings can override how the file is displayed.

2 calls to media_get_file_without_label()
media_format_form in includes/
Form callback used when embedding media.
media_token_to_markup in includes/
Replace callback to convert a media file tag into HTML markup.


includes/, line 611
Functions related to the WYSIWYG editor and the media input filter.


function media_get_file_without_label($file, $view_mode, $settings = array()) {
  $file->override = $settings;

  // Legacy support for Styles module plugins that expect overridden HTML
  // attributes in $file->override rather than $file->override['attributes'].
  if (isset($settings['attributes'])) {
    $file->override += $settings['attributes'];
  $element = file_view_file($file, $view_mode);

  // The formatter invoked by file_view_file() can use $file->override to
  // customize the returned render array to match the requested settings. To
  // support simple formatters that don't do this, set the element attributes to
  // what was requested, but not if the formatter applied its own logic for
  // element attributes.
  if (!isset($element['#attributes']) && isset($settings['attributes'])) {
    $element['#attributes'] = $settings['attributes'];

    // While this function may be called for any file type, images are a common
    // use-case. theme_image() and theme_image_style() require the 'alt'
    // attribute to be passed separately from the 'attributes' array (see
    // Until that's fixed, implement this
    // special-case logic. Image formatters using other theme functions are
    // responsible for their own 'alt' attribute handling. See
    // theme_media_formatter_large_icon() for an example.
    if (isset($settings['attributes']['alt']) && !isset($element['#alt']) && isset($element['#theme']) && in_array($element['#theme'], array(
    ))) {
      $element['#alt'] = $settings['attributes']['alt'];
  return $element;