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function _file_sort_array_by_weight in D7 Media 7

Helper function to sort an array by the value of each item's 'weight' key, while preserving relative order of items that have equal weight.

3 calls to _file_sort_array_by_weight()
file_info_file_types in file_entity/
Returns information about file types from hook_file_type_info().
file_info_formatter_types in file_entity/
Returns information about file formatters from hook_file_formatter_info().
file_view_file in file_entity/
Generate an array for rendering just the file portion of a file entity.


file_entity/, line 377
API extensions of Drupal core's


function _file_sort_array_by_weight(&$a) {
  $i = 0;
  foreach ($a as $key => $item) {
    if (!isset($a[$key]['weight'])) {
      $a[$key]['weight'] = 0;
    $original_weight[$key] = $a[$key]['weight'];
    $a[$key]['weight'] += $i / 1000;
  uasort($a, 'drupal_sort_weight');
  foreach ($a as $key => $item) {
    $a[$key]['weight'] = $original_weight[$key];