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7 calls to _me_is_alias() in me aliases 6

me_handler in ./me.module
A special menu callback function that either redirects to a page with the uid in the path, or calls the real menu handler.
me_views_handler_argument_user_name::options_validate in includes/
Validate the options form.
me_views_handler_argument_user_name::set_argument in includes/
Set the input for this argument
me_views_handler_argument_user_uid::options_validate in includes/
Validate the options form.
me_views_handler_argument_user_uid::set_argument in includes/
Set the input for this argument
_me_check_arg in ./me.module
A Helper function to check for the 'me' alias.
_me_check_path in ./me.module
Helper function to check if a path can be rewritten or not.