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function matomo_install in Matomo Analytics 8

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 7.2 matomo.install \matomo_install()

Implements hook_install().


./matomo.install, line 14
Installation file for Matomo Analytics module.


function matomo_install() {

  // Make the default install more user and GDPR friendly.
  $role = Role::load('authenticated');
    ->grantPermission('opt-in or out of matomo tracking');
  $success = $role
  if ($success) {
    $messenger = \Drupal::messenger();
      ->addMessage(t('Module %module granted %permission permission to authenticated users.', [
      '%module' => 'Matomo Analytics',
      '%permission' => t('Opt-in or out of tracking'),
    ]), 'status');