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function mathjax_default_config_string in MathJax: LaTeX for Drupal 7

Default config string for MathJax parsing. Can be overridden in the settings.

Return value


4 calls to mathjax_default_config_string()
MathjaxAdminTestCase::testAdmin in tests/mathjax_admin.test
Test the configuration data.
MathjaxConfigTestCase::testConfig in tests/mathjax_config.test
Test the configuration data.
mathjax_global_settings in ./mathjax.module
Configure global settings for MathJax.
mathjax_init in ./mathjax.module
Implements hook_init().


./mathjax.module, line 19
MathJax module.


function mathjax_default_config_string() {
  return "\nMathJax.Hub.Config({\n  extensions: ['tex2jax.js'],\n  jax: ['input/TeX','output/HTML-CSS'],\n  tex2jax: {\n    inlineMath: [ ['\$','\$'], ['\\\\(','\\\\)'] ],\n    processEscapes: true\n  }\n});\n";