function hook_mathfield_get_token_alter in Math Field 7
Alter the jQuery selector and event for triggering a mathfield.
This hook allows other modules to change the jQuery selector or event for a field type defined in other modules. The source module may be found in $context['field']['module'].
array $data: The current token data. An assoicative array with the following keys:
- 'selector': The jQuery selector for the form element that will tirgger the mathfield evaluation.
- 'event': The jQuery event that will trigger the mathfield evaluation. Typically, blur of text input and change for select lists and radios/checkboxes.
array $context: An associative array with the following keys:
- 'field_name': The machine name of the token field.
- 'delta': The delta value of the token field for multivalue fields. Default is 0.
- 'column': The source column of the token field. Default is 'value'.
- 'token': The token used in the math expression.
- 'field': The field definition of the token field.
- 'instance': The field instance definition of the token field.
- 'element': The mathfield form element.
1 invocation of hook_mathfield_get_token_alter()
- mathfield_get_tokens in ./
mathfield.module - Get the element details for mathfield expression tokens.
- ./
mathfield.api.php, line 75 - Hooks provided by Math Field.
function hook_mathfield_get_token_alter(&$data, $context) {
if (empty($data)) {
$field_name = $context['field']['field_name'];
$name = strtr('@field_name[@parts]', array(
'@field_name' => $field_name,
'@parts' => implode('][', array(
$data = array(
'selector' => 'input[name="' . $name . '"]',
'event' => 'blur',