function mass_contact_taxonomy_recipients in Mass Contact 7
Retrieves a list of users by taxonomy terms.
Gets the user IDs for all users that have the specified taxonomy terms attached to user object.
array $recipients: The list of items for this category. For this plugin implementation, it is an array of taxonomy term IDs.
Return value
null|array The user IDs that are part of specified taxonomy terms.
1 string reference to 'mass_contact_taxonomy_recipients'
- plugins/, line 42
function mass_contact_taxonomy_recipients(array $recipients) {
// Check to see if a taxonomy term has been selected.
if (!isset($recipients['mass_contact_taxonomy']) || empty($recipients['mass_contact_taxonomy'])) {
// Check all fields of user entity and if field is taxonomy term reference,
// add condition.
$user_fields = field_info_instances('user');
if (empty($user_fields)) {
$uids = array();
// Iterate through all the fields attached to the user entity.
foreach ($user_fields['user'] as $user_field_instance) {
// Get the field's information.
$field = field_info_field($user_field_instance['field_name']);
// EntityFieldQuery() cannot handle OR logic, so for each possible taxonomy
// term attached to a user, we make a separate query.
if (isset($field['module']) && $field['module'] == 'taxonomy') {
// Create a query to select users by taxonomy term.
$query = new EntityFieldQuery();
->entityCondition('entity_type', 'user');
->fieldCondition($field['field_name'], 'tid', $recipients['mass_contact_taxonomy'], 'IN');
$result = $query
// Collect uids.
if (isset($result['user'])) {
// Save out the keys from the result set.
$uids = array_keys($result['user']);
return $uids;