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function mass_contact_role_user_edit in Mass Contact 7

Creates a list of categories the user is part of.


object $user: The user object of the user for which the available categories are sought.

Return value

array The form snippet.

1 string reference to 'mass_contact_role_user_edit' in plugins/


plugins/, line 207


function mass_contact_role_user_edit($user) {

  // Get all the roles for which this user is a member.
  $user_roles = db_select('users_roles', 'ur')
    ->fields('ur', array(
    ->condition('uid', $user->uid)

  // Put the role IDs into an array for later use.
  $users_roles = array();

  // Start with the 'authenticated user' role, as it's not in the database.
  $users_roles[] = 2;
  foreach ($user_roles as $user_role) {
    $users_roles[] = $user_role->rid;

  // Get all the Mass Contact categories.
  $categories = db_select('mass_contact', 'mc')
    ->fields('mc', array(

  // Collect all the categories which contain roles the user is in.
  $included_categories = array();

  // Iterate through each category.
  foreach ($categories as $category) {

    // Pull out the roles that are a part of this category.
    $recipients = unserialize($category->recipients);
    foreach ($recipients['mass_contact_role'] as $role_id) {

      // If the category's role is one the user is in, include the category.
      if (in_array($role_id, $users_roles)) {
        $included_categories[$category->cid] = check_plain($category->category);
  return $included_categories;