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function _mass_contact_field_instances in Mass Contact 7

Returns a structured array, defining the instances for this node type.

1 call to _mass_contact_field_instances()
mass_contact_install in ./mass_contact.install
Implements hook_install().


./mass_contact.install, line 163
Install, update and uninstall functions for the Mass Contact module.


function _mass_contact_field_instances() {
  $t = get_t();
  return array(
    'field_mass_contact_from' => array(
      'field_name' => 'field_mass_contact_from',
      'label' => $t('From'),
      'description' => $t('The person who sent the message.'),
      'required' => 1,
      'widget' => array(
        'type' => 'text_textfield',
        'weight' => -10,
      'display' => array(
        'default' => array(
          'weight' => -10,
        'teaser' => array(
          'label' => 'hidden',
          'type' => 'hidden',
    'field_mass_contact_category' => array(
      'field_name' => 'field_mass_contact_category',
      'label' => $t('Category'),
      'description' => $t('The Mass Contact category of users sent to.'),
      'widget' => array(
        'type' => 'text_textfield',
        'weight' => -9,
      'display' => array(
        'default' => array(
          'weight' => -9,
        'teaser' => array(
          'label' => 'hidden',
          'type' => 'hidden',
    'field_mass_contact_to' => array(
      'field_name' => 'field_mass_contact_to',
      'label' => $t('To'),
      'description' => $t('The person or people the message was sent to.'),
      'required' => 1,
      'widget' => array(
        'type' => 'text_textfield',
        'weight' => -8,
      'display' => array(
        'default' => array(
          'weight' => -8,
        'teaser' => array(
          'label' => 'hidden',
          'type' => 'hidden',
    'field_mass_contact_bcc' => array(
      'field_name' => 'field_mass_contact_bcc',
      'label' => $t('BCC'),
      'description' => $t('The person or people the message was blind copied to.'),
      'widget' => array(
        'type' => 'text_textfield',
        'weight' => -7,
      'display' => array(
        'default' => array(
          'weight' => -7,
        'teaser' => array(
          'label' => 'hidden',
          'type' => 'hidden',
    'field_mass_contact_headers' => array(
      'field_name' => 'field_mass_contact_headers',
      'label' => $t('Headers'),
      'description' => $t('Any other headers that were created by the Mass Contact module.'),
      'widget' => array(
        'type' => 'text_textarea',
        'weight' => -6,
      'display' => array(
        'default' => array(
          'weight' => -6,
        'teaser' => array(
          'label' => 'hidden',
          'type' => 'hidden',
    'field_mass_contact_result' => array(
      'field_name' => 'field_mass_contact_result',
      'label' => $t('Result'),
      'description' => $t('The result of sending this message.'),
      'widget' => array(
        'type' => 'text_textarea',
        'weight' => 5,
      'display' => array(
        'default' => array(
          'weight' => 5,
        'teaser' => array(
          'label' => 'hidden',
          'type' => 'hidden',
    'field_mass_contact_attachments' => array(
      'field_name' => 'field_mass_contact_attachments',
      'label' => $t('Attachments'),
      'description' => $t('Any attachments that were included in the message.'),
      'widget' => array(
        'type' => 'file',
        'weight' => 10,
      'display' => array(
        'default' => array(
          'weight' => 10,
        'teaser' => array(
          'label' => 'hidden',
          'type' => 'hidden',