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Files in Masquerade Extras 6

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File namesort descending Location Namespace Description masquerade_ctools/plugins/access/ masquerade_context/ Adds features support when exporting contexts that use the masquerade_is_masquerading condition. masquerade_context/ name = Context support for Masquerade package = Masquerade Extras core = 6.x dependencies[] = masquerade dependencies[] = context
masquerade_context.module masquerade_context/masquerade_context.module Adds Context module support for masquerade. masquerade_ctools/ name = CTools Plugins for Masquerade package = Masquerade Extras core = 6.x dependencies[] = masquerade dependencies[] = ctools
masquerade_ctools.module masquerade_ctools/masquerade_ctools.module Allows Ctools to look for masquerade plugins. masquerade_views/handlers/ Views field handler. masquerade_context/plugins/condition/ Expose current user role as a context condition. masquerade_views/ name = Views support for Masquerade package = Masquerade Extras core = 6.x dependencies[] = masquerade dependencies[] = views
masquerade_views.module masquerade_views/masquerade_views.module Provides Views support to Masquerade. masquerade_views/ Informs Views about Masquerade's tables and fields.
README.txt README.txt Masquerade Extras Provides additional functionality for the Masquerade module.
README.txt masquerade_context/README.txt Context support for Masquerade ------------------------------ Requires: Masquerade Requires: Context This provides a Context condition which allows the site to identify when the current user is masquerading as someone else.
README.txt masquerade_views/README.txt Masquerade Views ---------------- Requires: Masquerade Requires: Views 2.x or 3.x This module provides Views support for Masquerade, allowing site builders to create views which have access to the list of users being masqueraded, and can generate…
README.txt masquerade_ctools/README.txt Chaos Tools Support for Masquerade ---------------------------------- Requires: Chaos Tool Suite Requires: Masquerade This modules provides a Chaos Tools access plugin which allows the site to determine if the current user is masquerading as someone…

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