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function masonry_library_info_alter in Masonry API 8

Implements hook_library_info_alter().

Masonry and Imagesloaded libraries may not be in the /libraries folder. MasonryService is capable of detecting that is a certain extend so we can correct the file path in both librarie declarations if needed.


./masonry.module, line 72
Provides the hooks implementation to interface with Libraries API.


function masonry_library_info_alter(&$libraries, $extension) {
  if ($extension == 'masonry') {

    /** @var \Drupal\masonry\Services\MasonryService $masonryService */
    $masonryService = \Drupal::service('masonry.service');
    if ($masonryPath = $masonryService
      ->isMasonryInstalled()) {
      $libraries['masonry']['js'] = [
        "/{$masonryPath}" => [
          'minified' => true,
    if ($imagesLoaded = $masonryService
      ->isImagesloadedInstalled()) {
      $libraries['imagesloaded']['js'] = [
        "/{$imagesLoaded}" => [
          'minified' => true,