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Files in Markup 6

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CHANGELOG.txt CHANGELOG.txt 6.x-1.x-dev ==================== The development branch introduces new features for the module. Notes below detail changes since last release. - Introduce new hook_elements, hook_theme implementations to provide new form API elements -… name = Markup description = Defines a field type for markup. dependencies[] = content core = 6.x package = CCK
markup.install markup.install Install, update and uninstall functions for Markup module.
markup.module markup.module Defines a field type for displaying markup on the node/edit form. contrib/markup_view/ name = Markup View description = Defines a field type to embed a view on the node form. dependencies[] = content core = 6.x package = CCK
markup_view.install contrib/markup_view/markup_view.install Implementation of hook_install().
markup_view.module contrib/markup_view/markup_view.module Defines a field type for displaying a view on the node/edit form.
README.txt README.txt Description ----------- This tiny module adds the ability for site admins to add "Markup" widgets to the form. These essentially let designers of cck content-types insert additional markup into the node/edit form to display to…

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