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abstract class InstallablePluginManager in Markdown 8.2

Installable Plugin Manager.

@todo Move upstream to


Expanded class hierarchy of InstallablePluginManager


src/PluginManager/InstallablePluginManager.php, line 33


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abstract class InstallablePluginManager extends DefaultPluginManager implements InstallablePluginManagerInterface {
  use ContainerAwareTrait;
  use NormalizeTrait;
  use StringTranslationTrait;

   * Cache contexts.
   * @var string[]
  protected $cacheContexts = [];

   * Cache max-age.
   * @var int
  protected $cacheMaxAge = Cache::PERMANENT;

   * The cached runtime definitions.
   * @var array[]
  protected static $runtimeDefinitions = [];

   * The Config Factory service.
   * @var \Drupal\Core\Config\ConfigFactoryInterface
  protected $configFactory;

   * A Logger service.
   * @var \Psr\Log\LoggerInterface
  protected $logger;

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function __construct($subDirectory, \Traversable $namespaces, ConfigFactoryInterface $configFactory, LoggerInterface $logger, ModuleHandlerInterface $module_handler, $plugin_interface = NULL, $plugin_definition_annotation_name = 'Drupal\\Component\\Annotation\\Plugin', array $additional_annotation_namespaces = []) {
    parent::__construct($subDirectory, $namespaces, $module_handler, $plugin_interface, $plugin_definition_annotation_name, $additional_annotation_namespaces);
    $this->configFactory = $configFactory;
    $this->logger = $logger;

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function all(array $configuration = [], $includeFallback = FALSE) {
    $definitions = $this
    uasort($definitions, function (InstallablePlugin $a, InstallablePlugin $b) {
      if ($a->weight === $b->weight) {
        return 0;
      return $a->weight < $b->weight ? -1 : 1;
    return array_map(function (InstallablePlugin $definition) use ($configuration) {
      $id = $definition
      return $this
        ->createInstance($id, isset($configuration[$id]) ? $configuration[$id] : $configuration);
    }, $definitions);

   * Allows plugin managers to further alter individual definitions.
   * @param \Drupal\markdown\Annotation\InstallablePlugin $definition
   *   The definition being altered.
   * @param bool $runtime
   *   Flag indicating whether this is a runtime alteration.
  protected function alterDefinition(InstallablePlugin $definition, $runtime = FALSE) {

   * {@inheritdoc}
  protected function alterDefinitions(&$definitions, $runtime = FALSE) {
    foreach ($definitions as $definition) {
      if ($definition instanceof InstallablePlugin) {
          ->alterDefinition($definition, $runtime);
    if ($hook = $this->alterHook) {
      if ($runtime) {
        $hook = "_runtime";
        ->alter($hook, $definitions);

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function clearCachedDefinitions() {
    static::$runtimeDefinitions = [];

   * Converts plugin definitions using the old "installed" method to libraries.
   * @param \Drupal\markdown\Annotation\InstallablePlugin $plugin
   *   The definition being processed.
   * @deprecated in markdown:8.x-2.0 and is removed from markdown:3.0.0.
   *   There is no replacement.
   * @see
  protected function convertInstalledToLibraries(InstallablePlugin $plugin) {

    // Immediately return if "installed" isn't set.
    if (empty($installed = $plugin->installed)) {
    $installs = [];
    foreach ((array) $plugin->installed as $key => $value) {
      $object = NULL;
      if ($value !== TRUE) {
        $object = static::normalizeClassName(is_string($key) && strpos($key, '\\') !== FALSE ? $key : $value);
        $installs[$object] = is_array($value) ? $value : [];
    foreach ($installs as $class => $definition) {
      $library = InstallableLibrary::create()
      $library->object = $class;
      $plugin->libraries[] = $library;

    // Retrieve the first library and merge any standalone properties on
    // the plugin.
    $library = reset($plugin->libraries);

    // Move URL property over to library.
    if (($url = $plugin->url) && !$library->url) {
      $library->url = $url;

    // Move version property over to library.
    if (($version = $plugin->version) && !$library->version) {
      $library->version = $version;

    // Move/convert versionConstraint into a requirement on library.
    if ($versionConstraint = $plugin->versionConstraint) {
      $requirement = new InstallableRequirement();
      $requirement->constraints['Version'] = [
        'name' => $plugin
        'constraint' => $versionConstraint,
      $library->requirements[] = $requirement;

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function createInstance($plugin_id, array $configuration = []) {

    /* @noinspection PhpUnhandledExceptionInspection */
    $instance = parent::createInstance($plugin_id, $configuration);
    if ($instance instanceof ContainerAwareInterface) {
    return $instance;

   * {@inheritdoc}
  protected function findDefinitions() {
    $definitions = $this

    // If this plugin was provided by a Drupal extension that does not exist,
    // remove the plugin definition.

    /* @var \Drupal\markdown\Annotation\InstallablePlugin $definition */
    foreach ($definitions as $plugin_id => $definition) {
      if (($provider = $definition
        ->getProvider()) && !in_array($provider, [
      ]) && !$this
        ->providerExists($provider)) {
    foreach ($definitions as $plugin_id => &$definition) {
        ->processDefinition($definition, $plugin_id);
    return $definitions;

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function firstInstalledPluginId() {
    return current(array_keys($this
      ->installedDefinitions())) ?: $this

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function getCacheContexts() {
    return $this->cacheContexts;

   * {@inheritdoc}
   * @param bool $runtime
   *   Flag indicating whether to retrieve runtime definitions.
  protected function getCachedDefinitions($runtime = FALSE) {
    $cacheKey = $this
    if ($runtime) {
      if (!isset(static::$runtimeDefinitions[static::class]) && ($cache = $this
        ->cacheGet($cacheKey))) {
        static::$runtimeDefinitions[static::class] = $cache->data;
      return static::$runtimeDefinitions[static::class];
    else {
      if (!isset($this->definitions) && ($cache = $this
        ->cacheGet($cacheKey))) {
        $this->definitions = $cache->data;
      return $this->definitions;

   * Retrieves the cache key to use.
   * @param bool $runtime
   *   Flag indicating whether to retrieve runtime definitions.
   * @return string
   *   The cache key.
  public function getCacheKey($runtime = FALSE) {
    $cacheKey = $this->cacheKey;
    if ($runtime) {

      // Prematurely requesting the "active theme" causes the wrong theme
      // to be chosen due to the request not yet being fully populated with
      // the correct route object, or any for that matter.
      $request = \Drupal::request();
      if ($request->attributes
        ->has(RouteObjectInterface::ROUTE_OBJECT)) {
        $cacheKey .= ':runtime:' . \Drupal::theme()
      else {
        $cacheKey .= ':runtime';
    return $cacheKey;

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function getCacheMaxAge() {
    return $this->cacheMaxAge;

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function getCacheTags() {
    return $this->cacheTags;

   * Retrieves the container.
   * @return \Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\ContainerInterface
   *   The container.
  public function getContainer() {
    return $this->container instanceof ContainerInterface ? $this->container : \Drupal::getContainer();

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function getDefinitionByClassName($className) {
    $className = static::normalizeClassName($className);

    // Don't use array_column() here, PHP versions less than 7.0.0 don't work
    // as expected due to the fact that the definitions are objects.
    foreach ($this
      ->getDefinitions() as $definition) {
      if ($definition
        ->getClass() === $className) {
        return $definition;

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function getDefinitionByLibraryId($libraryId) {
    foreach ($this
      ->getDefinitions() as $definition) {
      foreach ($definition->libraries as $library) {
        if ($library
          ->getId() === (string) $libraryId) {
          return $definition;

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function getDefinitions($includeFallback = TRUE) {
    $definitions = $this
    if ($includeFallback) {
      return $definitions;
    return $definitions;

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public abstract function getFallbackPluginId($plugin_id = NULL, array $configuration = []);

   * Retrieves the runtime definitions.
   * @return \Drupal\markdown\Annotation\InstallablePlugin[]
   *   The runtime definitions.
   * @noinspection PhpDocMissingThrowsInspection
  protected function getRuntimeDefinitions() {

    // Ensure the class has an array key set, defaulted to NULL.
    if (!array_key_exists(static::class, static::$runtimeDefinitions)) {
      static::$runtimeDefinitions[static::class] = NULL;

    // Retrieve cached runtime definitions.
    static::$runtimeDefinitions[static::class] = $this

    // Build the runtime definitions.
    if (!isset(static::$runtimeDefinitions[static::class])) {

      // Retrieve normal definitions.
      static::$runtimeDefinitions[static::class] = parent::getDefinitions();

      // Validate runtime definition requirements.

      /* @var \Drupal\markdown\Annotation\InstallablePlugin $definition */
      foreach (static::$runtimeDefinitions[static::class] as $definition) {

      // Alter runtime definitions.
        ->alterDefinitions(static::$runtimeDefinitions[static::class], TRUE);

      // Normalize any callbacks provided.
      try {
      } catch (MarkdownUnexpectedValueException $exception) {
        $plugin_id = array_reverse($exception
        $annotation = array_reverse(explode('\\', $this->pluginDefinitionAnnotationName))[0];
        throw new InvalidPluginDefinitionException($plugin_id, sprintf('Invalid callback defined in @%s. %s.', $annotation, $exception
          ->getMessage()), 0, isset($e) ? $e : NULL);

      // Re-validate runtime definition requirements after alterations.

      /* @var \Drupal\markdown\Annotation\InstallablePlugin $definition */
      foreach (static::$runtimeDefinitions[static::class] as $plugin_id => $definition) {

      // Sort the runtime definitions.

      // Cache the runtime definitions.
        ->setCachedDefinitions(static::$runtimeDefinitions[static::class], TRUE);

    // Runtime definitions should always be the active definitions.
    $this->definitions = static::$runtimeDefinitions[static::class];
    return $this->definitions;

   * {@inheritdoc}
  protected function handlePluginNotFound($plugin_id, array $configuration) {
    $fallback_id = $this
      ->getFallbackPluginId($plugin_id, $configuration);
    $configuration['original_plugin_id'] = $plugin_id;
    return $this
      ->createInstance($fallback_id, $configuration);

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function installed(array $configuration = []) {
    return array_map(function (InstallablePlugin $definition) use ($configuration) {
      $id = $definition
      return $this
        ->createInstance($id, isset($configuration[$id]) ? $configuration[$id] : $configuration);
    }, $this

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function installedDefinitions() {
    return array_filter($this
      ->getDefinitions(FALSE), function ($definition) {
      return $definition
        ->getId() !== $this
        ->getFallbackPluginId() && $definition

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function processDefinition(&$definition, $pluginId) {
    if (!$definition instanceof InstallablePlugin) {

    // Normalize the class.

    // Convert legacy "installed" property to "libraries".
    // @todo Deprecated functionality, remove before 3.0.0.

    // When no libraries or requirements are specified, create a new library
    // from the definition itself and treat it as its own standalone library.
    if (!$definition->libraries && !$definition->requirements && !$definition->runtimeRequirements && !$definition->requirementViolations) {
      $definition->libraries[] = InstallableLibrary::create($definition);

    // Process libraries.
    $preferred = FALSE;
    $preferredWeight = -1;
    $seenIds = [];
    foreach ($definition->libraries as $key => $library) {
      $id = $library
      if (!isset($seenIds[$id])) {
        $seenIds[$id] = $library;
      else {

      /* @noinspection PhpUnhandledExceptionInspection */
        ->processLibraryDefinition($definition, $library, $preferred);
      $preferredWeight = min($preferredWeight, $library->weight);

    // If no library was preferred, default to the first library defined.
    if (!$preferred && ($library = reset($definition->libraries))) {
      $library->preferred = TRUE;
      $library->weight = $preferredWeight;

    // Sort the library definitions.

    // Merge in the installed or preferred library into the actual plugin.
    if ($library = $definition
      ->getInstalledLibrary() ?: $definition
      ->getPreferredLibrary()) {

      // Merge library into plugin definition, excluding certain properties.
        ->merge($library, [

      // Set default URL for plugin based on the installed/preferred library.
      if (!$definition->url && ($url = $library
        ->getUrl())) {
        $definition->url = $url
  protected function createObjectRequirement(InstallablePlugin $definition, InstallableLibrary $library) {
    return $library

   * Processes the library definition.
   * @param \Drupal\markdown\Annotation\InstallablePlugin $definition
   *   The plugin definition.
   * @param \Drupal\markdown\Annotation\InstallableLibrary $library
   *   A library definition.
   * @param bool $preferred
   *   A flag indicating whether a library was explicitly set as "preferred",
   *   passed by reference.
   * @throws \Drupal\Component\Plugin\Exception\InvalidPluginDefinitionException
  protected function processLibraryDefinition(InstallablePlugin $definition, InstallableLibrary $library, &$preferred = FALSE) {
    if (!$preferred && $library->preferred) {
      $preferred = TRUE;

    // Normalize the object.
    if ($library->object) {
      $library->object = static::normalizeClassName($library->object);

      // Prepend a new runtime requirement to ensure that the object exists
      // before any other requirements are executed. This helps to ensure that
      // if a requirement depends on the object existing, it doesn't fatal and
      // instead treated as "uninstalled".
      if ($requirement = $this
        ->createObjectRequirement($definition, $library)) {
        array_unshift($library->requirements, $requirement);

    // Convert versionConstraint into a requirement.
    // @todo Deprecated property, remove in 3.0.0.
    if ($versionConstraint = $library->versionConstraint) {
      $requirement = new InstallableRequirement();
      $requirement->constraints['Version'] = $versionConstraint;
      $library->requirements[] = $requirement;
    $versionDefinition = NULL;

    // If version is populated with a callback or constant, add a requirement
    // that it should exist. Then, if the requirement is met, it will be
    // populated below with the validated value.
    if (!empty($library->version) && is_string($library->version) && !Semver::isValid($library->version)) {
      $versionDefinition = static::normalizeClassName($library->version);

    // Process requirements.
    $versionRequirement = NULL;
    if ($library->requirements) {
      foreach ($library->requirements as $key => $requirement) {
        if ($requirement instanceof InstallableLibrary) {
          $requirement = $requirement

        // Version constraints that have not explicitly specified a value
        // or callback should be validated against this library's installed
        // version which can only be determined later below; save it.
        if (!isset($requirement->value) && !isset($requirement->callback) && count($requirement->constraints) === 1 && key($requirement->constraints) === 'Version' && !empty($requirement->constraints['Version'])) {
          $versionRequirement = $requirement;

        // Move parser and extension requirements to runtime.
        // Note: this helps to prevent recursion while building definitions.
        if (in_array($requirement
          ->getType(), [
        ], TRUE)) {
          $library->runtimeRequirements[] = $requirement;

        // Attempt to validate all requirements. Up until the point that any
        // errors or exceptions occur.
        Error::suppress(function () use ($requirement, $library) {
          foreach ($requirement
            ->validate() as $violation) {
            $key = (string) $violation
            if (!isset($library->requirementViolations[$key])) {
              $library->requirementViolations[$key] = $violation

    // Now that requirements have been met, actually extract the version
    // from the definition that was provided.
    if (isset($versionDefinition)) {
      if (!$versionRequirement) {
        $versionRequirement = new InstallableRequirement();
        $versionRequirement->constraints = [
          'Version' => [
            'name' => $definition
      if (defined($versionDefinition) && ($version = constant($versionDefinition))) {
        $versionRequirement->value = $version;
      elseif (is_callable($versionDefinition) && ($version = call_user_func_array($versionDefinition, [
      ]))) {
        $versionRequirement->value = $version;
      elseif ($library->object && ($version = Composer::getVersionFromClass($library->object))) {
        $versionRequirement->value = $version;

      /** @var \Symfony\Component\Validator\ConstraintViolationListInterface $violations */
      $violations = Error::suppress(function () use ($versionRequirement) {
        return $versionRequirement

      // Now, validate the version.
      if ($violations && $violations
        ->count()) {
        foreach ($violations as $violation) {
          $key = (string) $violation
          if (!isset($library->requirementViolations[$key])) {
            $library->requirementViolations[$key] = $violation
      elseif ($violations !== null) {
        $library->version = $versionRequirement->value;

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function setCacheBackend(CacheBackendInterface $cache_backend, $cache_key, array $cache_tags = []) {
    $cache_tags[] = $cache_key;
    $cache_tags[] = "{$cache_key}:runtime";

    /** @var \Drupal\Core\Extension\ThemeHandlerInterface $themeHandler */
    $themeHandler = \Drupal::service('theme_handler');
    foreach (array_keys($themeHandler
      ->listInfo()) as $theme) {
      $cache_tags[] = "{$cache_key}:runtime:{$theme}";
    parent::setCacheBackend($cache_backend, $cache_key, array_unique($cache_tags));

   * Sets a cache of plugin definitions for the decorated discovery class.
   * @param array $definitions
   *   List of definitions to store in cache.
   * @param bool $runtime
   *   Flag indicating whether this is setting runtime definitions.
  protected function setCachedDefinitions($definitions, $runtime = FALSE) {

    // phpcs:ignore
    $cacheKey = $this
      ->cacheSet($cacheKey, $definitions, Cache::PERMANENT, [
    if ($runtime) {
      static::$runtimeDefinitions[static::class] = $definitions;
    else {
      $this->definitions = $definitions;

   * Sorts a definitions array.
   * This sorts the definitions array first by the weight column, and then by
   * the plugin label, ensuring a stable, deterministic, and testable ordering
   * of plugins.
   * @param array $definitions
   *   The definitions array to sort.
   * @param array $properties
   *   Optional. The properties to sort by.
  protected function sortDefinitions(array &$definitions, array $properties = [
  ]) {
    SortArray::multisortProperties($definitions, $properties);



Namesort descending Modifiers Type Description Overrides
ContainerInjectionInterface::create public static function Instantiates a new instance of this class. 70
DefaultPluginManager::$additionalAnnotationNamespaces protected property Additional namespaces the annotation discovery mechanism should scan for annotation definitions.
DefaultPluginManager::$alterHook protected property Name of the alter hook if one should be invoked.
DefaultPluginManager::$cacheKey protected property The cache key.
DefaultPluginManager::$cacheTags protected property An array of cache tags to use for the cached definitions.
DefaultPluginManager::$defaults protected property A set of defaults to be referenced by $this->processDefinition() if additional processing of plugins is necessary or helpful for development purposes. 9
DefaultPluginManager::$moduleHandler protected property The module handler to invoke the alter hook. 1
DefaultPluginManager::$namespaces protected property An object that implements \Traversable which contains the root paths keyed by the corresponding namespace to look for plugin implementations.
DefaultPluginManager::$pluginDefinitionAnnotationName protected property The name of the annotation that contains the plugin definition.
DefaultPluginManager::$pluginInterface protected property The interface each plugin should implement. 1
DefaultPluginManager::$subdir protected property The subdirectory within a namespace to look for plugins, or FALSE if the plugins are in the top level of the namespace.
DefaultPluginManager::alterInfo protected function Sets the alter hook name.
DefaultPluginManager::extractProviderFromDefinition protected function Extracts the provider from a plugin definition.
DefaultPluginManager::fixContextAwareDefinitions private function Fix the definitions of context-aware plugins.
DefaultPluginManager::getDiscovery protected function Gets the plugin discovery. Overrides PluginManagerBase::getDiscovery 12
DefaultPluginManager::getFactory protected function Gets the plugin factory. Overrides PluginManagerBase::getFactory
DefaultPluginManager::providerExists protected function Determines if the provider of a definition exists. 3
DefaultPluginManager::useCaches public function Disable the use of caches. Overrides CachedDiscoveryInterface::useCaches 1
DiscoveryCachedTrait::$definitions protected property Cached definitions array. 1
DiscoveryCachedTrait::getDefinition public function Overrides DiscoveryTrait::getDefinition 3
DiscoveryTrait::doGetDefinition protected function Gets a specific plugin definition.
DiscoveryTrait::hasDefinition public function
InstallablePluginManager::$cacheContexts protected property Cache contexts.
InstallablePluginManager::$cacheMaxAge protected property Cache max-age.
InstallablePluginManager::$configFactory protected property The Config Factory service.
InstallablePluginManager::$logger protected property A Logger service.
InstallablePluginManager::$runtimeDefinitions protected static property The cached runtime definitions.
InstallablePluginManager::all public function Retrieves all registered plugins. Overrides InstallablePluginManagerInterface::all
InstallablePluginManager::alterDefinition protected function Allows plugin managers to further alter individual definitions. 2
InstallablePluginManager::alterDefinitions protected function Invokes the hook to alter the definitions if the alter hook is set. Overrides DefaultPluginManager::alterDefinitions 2
InstallablePluginManager::clearCachedDefinitions public function Clears static and persistent plugin definition caches. Overrides DefaultPluginManager::clearCachedDefinitions
InstallablePluginManager::convertInstalledToLibraries Deprecated protected function Converts plugin definitions using the old "installed" method to libraries.
InstallablePluginManager::createInstance public function Creates a pre-configured instance of a plugin. Overrides PluginManagerBase::createInstance 1
InstallablePluginManager::createObjectRequirement protected function 1
InstallablePluginManager::findDefinitions protected function Finds plugin definitions. Overrides DefaultPluginManager::findDefinitions
InstallablePluginManager::firstInstalledPluginId public function Retrieves the first installed plugin identifier. Overrides InstallablePluginManagerInterface::firstInstalledPluginId
InstallablePluginManager::getCacheContexts public function The cache contexts associated with this object. Overrides DefaultPluginManager::getCacheContexts
InstallablePluginManager::getCachedDefinitions protected function Overrides DefaultPluginManager::getCachedDefinitions
InstallablePluginManager::getCacheKey public function Retrieves the cache key to use. Overrides InstallablePluginManagerInterface::getCacheKey
InstallablePluginManager::getCacheMaxAge public function The maximum age for which this object may be cached. Overrides DefaultPluginManager::getCacheMaxAge
InstallablePluginManager::getCacheTags public function The cache tags associated with this object. Overrides DefaultPluginManager::getCacheTags
InstallablePluginManager::getContainer public function Retrieves the container.
InstallablePluginManager::getDefinitionByClassName public function Retrieves a definition by class name. Overrides InstallablePluginManagerInterface::getDefinitionByClassName
InstallablePluginManager::getDefinitionByLibraryId public function Retrieves a definition by library identifier. Overrides InstallablePluginManagerInterface::getDefinitionByLibraryId
InstallablePluginManager::getDefinitions public function Gets the definition of all plugins for this type. Overrides DefaultPluginManager::getDefinitions
InstallablePluginManager::getFallbackPluginId abstract public function Gets a fallback id for a missing plugin. Overrides FallbackPluginManagerInterface::getFallbackPluginId 3
InstallablePluginManager::getRuntimeDefinitions protected function Retrieves the runtime definitions.
InstallablePluginManager::handlePluginNotFound protected function Allows plugin managers to specify custom behavior if a plugin is not found. Overrides PluginManagerBase::handlePluginNotFound
InstallablePluginManager::installed public function Retrieves all installed plugins. Overrides InstallablePluginManagerInterface::installed
InstallablePluginManager::installedDefinitions public function Retrieves installed plugin definitions. Overrides InstallablePluginManagerInterface::installedDefinitions
InstallablePluginManager::processDefinition public function Performs extra processing on plugin definitions. Overrides DefaultPluginManager::processDefinition 3
InstallablePluginManager::processLibraryDefinition protected function Processes the library definition.
InstallablePluginManager::setCacheBackend public function Initialize the cache backend. Overrides DefaultPluginManager::setCacheBackend
InstallablePluginManager::setCachedDefinitions protected function Sets a cache of plugin definitions for the decorated discovery class. Overrides DefaultPluginManager::setCachedDefinitions
InstallablePluginManager::sortDefinitions protected function Sorts a definitions array.
InstallablePluginManager::__construct public function Creates the discovery object. Overrides DefaultPluginManager::__construct 3
NormalizeTrait::isCallable public static function
NormalizeTrait::isTraversable public static function Indicates whether a value is traversable.
NormalizeTrait::normalizeCallables public static function Normalizes any callables provided so they can be stored in the database.
NormalizeTrait::normalizeClassName public static function Normalizes class names to prevent double escaping.
PluginManagerBase::$discovery protected property The object that discovers plugins managed by this manager.
PluginManagerBase::$factory protected property The object that instantiates plugins managed by this manager.
PluginManagerBase::$mapper protected property The object that returns the preconfigured plugin instance appropriate for a particular runtime condition.
PluginManagerBase::getInstance public function Gets a preconfigured instance of a plugin. Overrides MapperInterface::getInstance 7
StringTranslationTrait::$stringTranslation protected property The string translation service. 1
StringTranslationTrait::formatPlural protected function Formats a string containing a count of items.
StringTranslationTrait::getNumberOfPlurals protected function Returns the number of plurals supported by a given language.
StringTranslationTrait::getStringTranslation protected function Gets the string translation service.
StringTranslationTrait::setStringTranslation public function Sets the string translation service to use. 2
StringTranslationTrait::t protected function Translates a string to the current language or to a given language.
UseCacheBackendTrait::$cacheBackend protected property Cache backend instance.
UseCacheBackendTrait::$useCaches protected property Flag whether caches should be used or skipped.
UseCacheBackendTrait::cacheGet protected function Fetches from the cache backend, respecting the use caches flag. 1
UseCacheBackendTrait::cacheSet protected function Stores data in the persistent cache, respecting the use caches flag.