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function hook_markdown_parser_info_alter in Markdown 8.2

Performs alterations on markdown parser plugin definitions.


array $info: An array of markdown parser plugin definitions, as collected by the plugin annotation discovery mechanism.

See also






./markdown.api.php, line 116
Hooks and alters provided by the Markdown module.


function hook_markdown_parser_info_alter(array &$info) {

  // Limit maximum nesting value in CommonMark.
  $info['commonmark']['settings']['max_nesting_level'] = 1000;

  // If a parser provides a setting that requires a callback, something you
  // cannot configure from the UI, you can supply it here. Note: this
  // callback must reference a publicly callable function or static method
  // since it will be cached in the database.
  $info['php-markdown']['settings']['header_id_func'] = '\\Drupal\\my_module\\Markdown::buildHeader';
  $info['php-markdown-extra']['settings']['header_id_func'] = '\\Drupal\\my_module\\Markdown::buildHeader';