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function theme_manualcrop_thumblist_image in Manual Crop 7

Returns HTML for a single image in the thumbnail list.


$variables: An associative array containing:

  • "attributes": An array of attributes.
  • "image": Rendered image tag html.
  • "style": Clean style name.

Return value

HTML for a single thumblist image.

1 theme call to theme_manualcrop_thumblist_image()
_manualcrop_add_croptool in ./
Add the actual croptool to a form element.


./manualcrop.module, line 750


function theme_manualcrop_thumblist_image($variables) {
  $output = '<a ' . drupal_attributes($variables['attributes']) . '>';
  $output .= '<strong class="manualcrop-style-thumb-label">' . check_plain($variables['style']) . '</strong>';
  $output .= $variables['image'];
  $output .= '</a>';
  return $output;