function manualcrop_supported_widgets in Manual Crop 7
Returns an array of supported widget types or checks if a type is supported.
$widget_type: If set, this function will return a boolean indicating if $widget_type is supported.
$settings: Only include widgets that support these setting(s).
Return value
Array of widget types.
5 calls to manualcrop_supported_widgets()
- manualcrop_field_widget_form_alter in ./
manualcrop.module - Implements hook_field_widget_form_alter().
- manualcrop_field_widget_info_alter in ./
manualcrop.module - Implements hook_field_widget_info_alter().
- manualcrop_field_widget_settings_form in ./ - Add the Manual Crop field widget settings.
- manualcrop_form_field_ui_field_edit_form_alter in ./ - Implements hook_form_FORM_ID_alter().
- _manualcrop_update_style_name_in_field_widget in ./ - Update or remove a style name in all Manual Crop field widgets.
- ./, line 19 - Helper functions for the Manual Crop module.
function manualcrop_supported_widgets($widget_type = NULL, $settings = array()) {
$widgets =& drupal_static(__FUNCTION__);
if (!isset($widgets)) {
// Collect information about the supported widgets.
$widgets = module_invoke_all('manualcrop_supported_widgets');
drupal_alter('manualcrop_supported_widgets', $widgets);
// Make sure $settings contains only valid entries.
if (!empty($settings)) {
if (!is_array($settings)) {
$settings = array(
$widget_settings = manualcrop_manualcrop_supported_widgets();
$widget_settings = $widget_settings['image_image'];
$settings = array_intersect($settings, $widget_settings);
if (empty($settings)) {
// No settings required.
$result = array_keys($widgets);
else {
// Filter all widgets that don't support the required settings.
$result = array();
foreach ($widgets as $name => $widget_settings) {
if (!count(array_diff($settings, $widget_settings))) {
$result[] = $name;
if (!empty($widget_type)) {
return in_array($widget_type, $result);
else {
return $result;