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function manualcrop_croptool_process in Manual Crop 7

Add a croptool to the form element. This extends the FAPI widget or simply adds a new form item to enable cropping in a regular form.


$form: The form array.

$form_state: The form state array.

$element: Form element to be processed. It's preferred to use the form array for none-FAPI fields.

$file: The file object.

$settings: Used to pass-in (additional) widget settings, these settings will override the instance settings.

$instance: Field instance array.

$preview: Name of the preview element.

Return value

Returns TRUE if a croptool has been added, FALSE otherwise.

2 calls to manualcrop_croptool_process()
manualcrop_widget_process in ./manualcrop.module
Process function for Manual Crop enabled widgets.
_manualcrop_process_file_entity_form in ./
Add the crop functionality to the File Entity form.


./, line 151
Helper functions for the Manual Crop module.


function manualcrop_croptool_process(&$form, &$form_state, &$element, $file, $settings = array(), $instance = NULL, $preview = 'preview') {
  static $processed_forms;
  if (_manualcrop_supported_file($file) && user_access('use manualcrop') && ($styles = manualcrop_styles_with_crop())) {

    // Merge-in the instance or default settings.
    if (is_array($instance)) {
      $settings += $instance['widget']['settings'];
    else {
      $settings += manualcrop_default_widget_settings();

    // Exclude or include styles.
    if (!empty($settings['manualcrop_styles_list'])) {
      if ($settings['manualcrop_styles_mode'] == 'include') {
        $styles = array_intersect_key($styles, $settings['manualcrop_styles_list']);
      else {
        $styles = array_diff_key($styles, $settings['manualcrop_styles_list']);
      if (empty($styles)) {

        // Leave if all styles were filtered.
        return FALSE;

    // Required image styles.
    $required = manualcrop_instance_required_styles($settings);

    // Make sure the build id exists.
    if (!isset($form['#build_id'])) {
      $form['#build_id'] = 'form-' . drupal_random_key();

    // Reset the data array.
    if (!isset($processed_forms[$form['#build_id']])) {
      $processed_forms[$form['#build_id']] = $form['#build_id'];
      $form_state['manualcrop_data'] = array();

    // Get the container and item reference.
    if (is_array($instance)) {

      // A FAPI field instance has been passed, so $element is the container
      // and $element['#value'] can be used for storing data.
      $container =& $element;
      $value =& $element['#value'];
    else {

      // The FAPI is not used, we'll create a manualcrop container as parent
      // for all manualcrop enabled files.
      if (!isset($element['manualcrop'])) {
        $element['manualcrop'] = array(
          '#tree' => TRUE,

      // Create a file specific container.
      $element['manualcrop']['file_' . $file->fid] = array(
        '#type' => 'value',
        '#default_value' => array(),
        '#element_validate' => array(
        '#parents' => array(
          'file_' . $file->fid,

      // Link to the newly created container and item.
      $container =& $element['manualcrop']['file_' . $file->fid];
      $value =& $container['#default_value'];

    // Alter the preview element if it exists and the thumblist option isn't enabled.
    if (empty($settings['manualcrop_thumblist']) && isset($preview) && isset($element[$preview])) {
      $element[$preview] += array(
        '#prefix' => '',
        '#suffix' => '',
      $element[$preview]['#prefix'] = '<div class="manualcrop-preview manualcrop-preview-' . $file->fid . '"><div class="manualcrop-preview-cropped"></div>' . $element[$preview]['#prefix'];
      $element[$preview]['#suffix'] .= '</div>';

    // Save some image data to improve processing.
    $image = image_get_info($file->uri);
    $form_state['manualcrop_data']['images'][$file->fid] = array(
      'uri' => $file->uri,
      'filename' => $file->filename,
      'width' => $image['width'],
      'height' => $image['height'],
      'element_parents' => $container['#parents'],
      'required_styles' => $required,

    // Get the crop selections for this file.
    $submitted = isset($form_state['inline_entity_form']) ? FALSE : $form_state['submitted'];
    if (!$submitted && !isset($value['manualcrop_selections'])) {
      $value['manualcrop_selections'] = array();
      foreach (manualcrop_load_crop_selection($file->uri) as $data) {
        $value['manualcrop_selections'][$data->style_name] = $data->x . '|' . $data->y . '|' . $data->width . '|' . $data->height;

    // Add the dependencies and croptool.
    $js_identifier = _manualcrop_js_identifier(is_array($instance) ? $instance : $file);
    _manualcrop_attach_dependencies($element, $form_state, $js_identifier, $settings);
    _manualcrop_add_croptool($container, $value, $form_state, $file->fid, $js_identifier, $styles, $required, $settings);
    return TRUE;
  return FALSE;