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11 calls to manualcrop_styles_with_crop() in Manual Crop 7

manualcrop_auto_reuse_form in ./
Form Builder; Configuration settings for the auto reuse effect.
manualcrop_croptool_process in ./
Add a croptool to the form element. This extends the FAPI widget or simply adds a new form item to enable cropping in a regular form.
manualcrop_crop_form in ./
Form builder; Configuration settings for crop effect.
manualcrop_field_widget_info_alter in ./manualcrop.module
Implements hook_field_widget_info_alter().
manualcrop_field_widget_settings_form in ./
Add the Manual Crop field widget settings.
manualcrop_insert_styles in ./manualcrop.module
Implements hook_insert_styles().
manualcrop_reuse_form in ./
Form builder; Configuration settings for the reuse effect.
manualcrop_update_7104 in ./manualcrop.install
Remove unneeded image effect data and rename the "reusestyle" setting to "reuse_crop_style".
manualcrop_update_7106 in ./manualcrop.install
Add the style_priority setting to all auto reuse image effects.
_manualcrop_add_cache_control in ./
Adds a cache control parameter to the image URI so the image will be reloaded if the crop selection was changed since it was last feched by the browser.
_manualcrop_attach_dependencies in ./
Attach the required croptool dependencies (files and settings).